




  • He regarded me as a young upstart .

    他把我看作是一个年轻的 新贵

  • Until recently it was easy to dismiss such ambitions as the hubristic musings of a young upstart .

    直到最近,人们很容易将这类雄心壮志视为年轻 新贵的狂妄自大。

  • An upstart who makes conceited sardonic insolent comments .

    作出自以为是的、 逞能的、讽刺的、或傲慢无礼的评论的 暴发

  • You cannot marry that young upstart !

    你可不能嫁给那个年轻的 暴发

  • He dreaded their upstart ambition .

    他惧怕他们的 狂妄野心。

  • The Ubuntu upstart system is an event-based approach for init system replacement .

    Ubuntu upstart系统是替代init系统的一个基于事件的方法。

  • Forty years ago upstart companies from a rising Japan pushed western competitors to the wall .

    40年前,来自崛起中日本的企业 新贵 把西方竞争对手逼到了墙角。

  • The upstart initialization program replaces / sbin / init .


  • If Apple wins against HTC that would be bad news for upstart handset firms .

    若苹果赢了htc,那对 众多 蓬勃 发展的手机公司,也许是个噩耗。

  • Thanks to one 19th Century upstart one also must be dead to appear on a bill .

    多亏了19世纪 那个 自命不凡的人,一个人必须是去世之后才有 资格出现在美元上。

  • It 's just your average day at Threshold Digital Research Labs an upstart Hollywood Studio .

    这就是起点数字研究实验室&一个 突然 出现的好莱坞工作室的每一天。

  • He was a new upstart and a gentleman of the first head .

    他是个 暴发 ,是个新封的贵族。

  • Upstart bureaucrats financiers officials etc.

    突然 发迹的官僚、金融家、官员等。

  • But within AIG an upstart entrepreneurial subsidiary was booming .

    但在 AIG内部,企业子公司正在蓬勃发展。

  • The rich upstart may treat servants and supposed inferiors with harshness or contempt ; not so the gentleman .

    富有的 暴发 也许会严厉对待仆人,鄙视地位卑微者。

  • I like to think of Converse as a100-year-old upstart .

    我喜欢把匡威看作一个一百岁的 新贵

  • But ths success only caused jealous resentment among the other royal cooks and they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomer .

    但是他的成功也引起了王室其他厨师的忌妒和忿恨,他们密谋除掉这个新来的 暴发

  • Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart .

    很多人都更愿意跟 自己熟悉的权威人物 交道,而不是一个年纪 轻轻 自命不凡 家伙

  • Upstart requires that you update the initialization scripts to support the event-based mode of operation .


  • The race to catch up with Google comes as the internet upstart continues to strengthen its grip on searching .

    追赶Google的竞赛开始时,正值这 互联网 新贵在持续加强对搜索 业务的控制。

  • The two options this article explores initng and upstart are not the only two games in town .

    本文中介绍的这两种方法initng和 upstart并不是只有这两种程序可以替代init。

  • As you saw above you can use initctl with the emit option to generate an event to upstart .

    正如您前面看到的一样,您可以使用initctl和emit选项为 upstart生成一个事件。

  • As part of our boot performance work we have now transitioned to Upstart .

    我们已经花了很多 功夫在改进系统启动的外观效果上。

  • Every upstart needs capital .

    每个 新贵都需要资本。

  • That however was a strategic mistake that enhanced the upstart competitor .

    然而, 那时 安排是一个战略性错误,它增强了 突然 兴起的竞争对手的实力。

  • People in the office think he 's an upstart because he was so young when he was promoted .

    办公室的人认为他是 平步青云,因为他被提升时这么年轻。

  • You impudent upstart . I shall take great delight in dispatching you myself .

    你这个厚颜无耻的 暴发 如果能亲自消灭你,我会很高兴。

  • Do you think customers will associate the failed upstart with ours ?

    你认为顾客会把这个失败的 公司和我们 在一起吗?

  • Building and installing upstart is simple and follows the typical configure make and make install pattern .

    编译和安装 upstart非常简单,并且遵循典型的configure、make和makeinstall模式。

  • She advocates brands but not upstart 's fanaticism .

    她崇尚名牌,却不是 暴发 的狂热。