
[ˈʌpˌrɔr, -ˌror][ˈʌprɔ:(r)]


  • The announcement caused uproar in the crowd

    公告在人群中引起了 骚动

  • In the confusion and uproar Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country .

    在一片混乱与 喧闹 中,锡斯罗只能尖声叫道他救了他的国家。

  • But when Whicher reaches his shocking conclusion there is uproar and bewilderment .

    然而,侦探Whicher得出令人震惊的结论时, 骚动和困惑喧然四起。

  • Remarkably there has been no domestic uproar .

    尤为令人惊奇的是, 印度国内并没有出现 骚动

  • His speech couldn 't be heard above the uproar .

    他的讲话在 喧嚣 什么也听不见。

  • Public uproar and some regulatory changes calmed the storm but did not eradicate the intrinsic problem .

    公众 舆论和一些监管方面的改革平息了这场风暴,但并未根除内在的问题。

  • The paper says the evidence when it surfaces is certain to cause uproar

    该报称该证据一经披露,一定会 引起 骚动

  • The audience burst into an uproar .


  • I don 't understand how such an innocuous children 's book could cause such an uproar .

    我不明白为何这本对儿童无害的书竟会引起如此的 骚动

  • She retorted amid the uproar .

    她在 喧嚣 反驳着。

  • He simply could not understand the uproar over Watergate .

    他根本无法理解水门事件 引起 喧嚣

  • Some dozen years ago she created an uproar in polite society when she openly boasted of distant elvish ancestry .

    数年前当她公然吹嘘自己遥远的精灵血统时,她就在上流社会造成了一阵 骚动

  • Wild uproar or noise . someone indifferent to the busy world .

    狂乱的 喧闹或吵闹对热闹 喧嚣的世界比较冷漠的人。

  • The town is in uproar over the dispute

    整个城市因为这次争端而陷入了 骚动

  • The rally began in an uproar .

    大会在一 喧腾 中开始了。

  • Do not forget the clamor of your foes the continuous uproar of your enemies .

    千万不要忘了你敌人的 喧嚣,和反抗你的人们不断的狂叫。

  • The courtroom was in an uproar .

    法庭上 一片哗然

  • A national uproar then made the top leadership aware of the necessity of timely news release .

    举国 哗然,这让最高层领导意识到了信息发布及时的必要性。

  • Mr stone 's latest film has caused an uproar .

    斯通先生的最新影片引起了一 批评

  • The uproar reached the ears of the men in the canoes .

    喧嚣 传到了一条条独木舟上的男子们耳里。

  • You are wanted immediately ; we are all in an uproar .

    你得马上出来一下;我们已闹 天翻地覆了。

  • The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States .

    这一突然发布的公告可能会在美国 引起 骚乱

  • The risk of more populist uproar would be too great .

    要是民粹主义者再 什么 动静,风险就太大了。

  • The classroom is in an uproar .

    教室里 了一

  • But even seasoned politicians said Thursday 's uproar was unprecedented .

    但就连老道的政治家周四也说, 这次 骚乱前所未有。

  • ' My sculptures cause an uproar astonishment and put a smile on your face ' he said .

    我的作品都能引起一场 骚动,带给人们惊奇和笑容,霍夫曼称。

  • The room was in an uproar .


  • There was a brief silence followed by uproar .

    沉默片刻之后又 喧嚣 起来了。

  • Everyone 's in an uproar it seems he used an ax or a saw .

    场面很 混乱,看上去他用了一把斧子或是锯。