


  • B : I had my reasons . Don 't be so uptight .

    乙:我有我的原因,别这么 紧张

  • He 's feeling a bit uptight about his exam tomorrow .

    他因明天的考试 感到有点 紧张

  • Throughout the time of the Olympics I felt uptight about all the different types of security guards .

    贯穿整个奥运会,我感觉 异常 紧张 并不一样的安全保卫类型。

  • Which of course turns me into a different kind of uptight judgmental Christian .

    这一点,也使得我变成了另一种 保守 易论断他人的基督徒。

  • He gets so uptight about the slightest difficulty .

    他对一点点困难也会感到非常 紧张

  • Teachers and middle-class parents undervalue kids'preferences but I think we need to give up being so uptight about children 's choices in books .

    教师和中产阶级父母低估了孩子的偏好,但我认为我们需要放弃我们对孩子选择书籍的严格 管束

  • I didn 't figure him to be so uptight .

    我也觉得他不是 保守

  • I can 't picture your uptight brother smoking a joint .

    我想你 保守的哥哥肯定不会抽大麻。

  • I remember him when he was an uptight teenager .

    我还记得他那 腼腆少年的模样。

  • He was very uptight about people smoking in his house .

    他对那些在他房间里抽烟的 感到 厌烦

  • I 'm so uptight . I just can 't seem to relax .

    我是如此地 焦虑,好像无法使心情放松。

  • If you are uptight with each other don 't do it .

    如果你对 自己 爱人 感到 焦躁不安,那么不要一起工作;

  • He seemed very uptight about my being there .

    我在那儿,他似乎非常 自在

  • Penny never got uptight about exams

    彭妮从来不会因为考试 紧张

  • You were just so uptight then . you 're much softer now .

    那个时候你太 焦躁了,现在 和蔼多了。

  • M : I don 't always drink when I feel uptight .

    L:Michael,你 小心,不要在感到 紧张的时候 为了 放松 喝酒。

  • You automatically get uptight and nervous .

    你不由自主地感到 焦虑和紧张起来。

  • Is it any wonder that I feel uptight ?

    我感到 紧张 这有什么奇怪的吗?

  • You get so uptight whenever I raise the subject .

    每当我提起那个问题,你就那么 紧张

  • I grew to dislike the people from my background — they were rather uptight and prissy .

    我变得讨厌和我有 同样出身背景的人——他们太 保守、太一本正经了。

  • I am the uptight stressed-out wife you ways wanted .

    我是那个你想要的 烦躁,有压力的妻子。

  • Be uptight about sex Every good true vigorous feeling I had gathered came impulsively round him .

    感到 紧张我的一切良好、真诚而又强烈的感情都紧紧围绕着他涌现出来。

  • I get a bit uptight these days . Hormones I suppose

    这些天我有点 焦躁。我看是荷尔蒙在作怪

  • Tonight he is manic wired and uptight .

    今晚,他躁动 紧张 的。

  • You mean if don 't get so uptight about being anxious I 'll be less anxious ?

    你的意思是,如果对焦虑不是那么 紧张,我的焦虑就会少些?

  • Which was all very British and uptight of me .

    我这么 是非常英国和 保守

  • Try being low-key and open rather than uptight and defensive .

    试着低调一点,开放一点,而不是 紧张和保守。

  • My ex-boss was a very uptight person .

    我的前任老板是一个很爱 烦躁的人。