


  • He talked with a clipped upper-class accent .

    他用快而 清晰 上流 社会口音讲话。

  • Of good or upper-class lineage .

    有上等的或者 上流 阶级的血统。

  • These gentlemen from the upper-class society are going to have a meeting here .

    这些来自 上流社会的绅士们今天在这里聚会。

  • Even the school 's oldest tradition Flower Sunday the 138-year-old ceremony that paired each incoming student with an upper-class Big Sister to support her had become trans-inclusive .

    即使是卫尔斯理最古老的传统鲜花星期日这个传统仪式已经138年历史,为每位新入学的学生找一位高 年级 大姐来提供指导支持也对跨性别学生更加包容。

  • Part of their strategy he said was to attract upper-class tourists so the city did not become a backpacker haven like Kathmandu .

    他表示,他们战略中的一部分,是吸引 高端旅游者,而不是像加德满都那样,成为背包客的天堂。

  • In the Tang dynasty the feudal ethics is dominant that more happiness comes with more offsprings . likewise the upper-class women are taken as tools of family or social reproduction and the high rate of birth is accompanied with high mortality .

    在生育问题上,受 多子多福、 养儿防老的封建伦理道德的支配,唐代 上层 社会妇女 被动地成为家庭和社会的生育工具,而高出生率也带来了产妇和儿童的高死亡率。

  • Distinguished personages'point of view : Smile social etiquette for upper-class life .

    名流观点:微笑, 上流生活的社交礼仪。

  • Unlike their upper-class contemporaries they lack influential families useful social networks for their careers and most importantly suitable women to marry .

    与处于 社会 高层 同龄人相比,他们缺少有权势的家庭背景,没有可以帮助他们发展事业的社会关系,最重要的是,没有合适的结婚对象。

  • In spite of their upper-class origins both were rebels against stubborn conservatism and used their talents in passionate appeals for justice and freedom .

    虽然他们 出身高贵,却都是反对顽固保守主义的反叛者,并施展他们的才华,充满热情地呼吁公正和自由。

  • First that the speakers of British English particularly the upper-class dialect known as Received Pronunciation ( RP or the Queens English ) would rate highest on measures of social status and power such as wealth education level and assertiveness .

    首先,说英式英语的人,尤其是被称为标准发音的 上流 社会口音(RP,或者叫女王英语)在衡量社会地位和权利时得到的评价最高,包括财富、教育程度和自信等。

  • A yacht full of upper-class dandies drinking sherry .

    满载着畅饮雪利酒的 上流 社会子弟纨绔的游艇。

  • He comes from an upper-class background .

    他出身于 上层 阶级

  • Others despise it for being a mostly upper-class and aristocratic sport .

    其他人鄙视 猎狐,因为它主要是一种 上流 社会和贵族消遣的运动 罢了

  • Social or verbal interchange ( usually followed by ` with ' ) . a clipped upper-class accent .

    社会或口头上的交换。短促的 上流 社会的口音。

  • From now on the bride of the imperial house and upper-class society imitates one after another .

    自此,皇室与 上流社会的新娘子相继效仿。

  • Despite this drastic life change Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing-most notably with her polite upper-class accent .

    尽管生活发生了巨大的变化,劳拉仍旧保留了高贵的本质,尤其是她那彬彬有礼的 上流 社会的口音。

  • He went to an upper-class institution where the students learned to develop a very genteel manner .

    他考上了 上流 社会的学校。这里培养的学生都很有教养。

  • Beginning in the20th century the fedora came into use as an upper-class clothing accessory .

    从20世纪,对Fedora投入使用作为一个 上层 阶级的服装配件。

  • Yet both middle-class and upper-class people know folk songs too .

    然而中产阶级和 上层 社会的人对民歌却十分熟悉。

  • He mimicked her upper-class accent .

    他模仿她 上流 社会的腔调。

  • Swinton hails from an upper-class Scottish family in London and was educated at Cambridge before working in theater .

    史温顿来自伦敦的一个苏格兰 上层 阶级家庭,在踏入戏剧界之前在剑桥受过教育。

  • Upper-class individuals appear to be more self-focused they 've grown up with more freedom and autonomy Stellar said . They may do better in an individualist competitive environment .

    斯黛拉说: 上层 社会的人看起来更专注于自身,他们成长过程中有更多自由和自主权,在个人主义的竞争性环境中他们可能会表现得更好。

  • Her wealth and reputation gave her entree into upper-class circles .

    她的财富和声望使她得以进入 上层 社会

  • A. There was here at that time a kind of universal upper-class assumption of superiority .

    答:当时的 上层 社会有一种普遍存在的傲慢 情绪

  • Acting was not a kosher trade for an upper-class girl .

    演戏对一个 出身 上流 社会的女孩儿来说不是个合适的职业。

  • British public schools were described as'a bastion of upper-class privilege ' .

    英国的公学被誉为“ 上层 阶级特权的堡垒”。

  • He described British public schools as'the last redoubt of upper-class privilege ' .

    他把英国的公学描写成“ 上层 社会特权的最后堡垒”。

  • So long as you were upper-class .

    只要你属于 上层 阶级

  • Western upper-class reception candlelight shining lighting blurred creating a kind of dreamy atmosphere .

    西方 上层 社会的酒会,烛光闪闪,灯光迷离,营造着一种梦幻般的氛围。

  • Critics also note that same-sex marriage privileges the priorities of white middle-to upper-class lesbians and gays .

    评论家们也指出了,同性伴侣婚姻让中 上层 阶级白人中的男女同性恋者们享有了特权。