
[ʌpˈrɔriəs, -ˈror-][ʌpˈrɔ:riəs]


  • Bubble Economics and Ideology of New Liberalism Economics & Analyzing and Explaining The Uproarious 90 s ;

    泡沫经济与新自由主义经济学的意识形态&解读《 喧嚣的九十年代》

  • This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter .

    他的讲话引起阵阵 哄然大笑。

  • Hilarious broad comedy ; a screaming farce ; uproarious stories .

    令人捧腹的通俗喜剧;非常有趣的滑稽剧; 令人捧腹的故事。

  • So he had over a thousand laughter-initiated situations and here are some typical comments that initiated laughter sometimes uproarious laughter on the parts of people .

    他收集了一千多个引起笑的情景,这里列出一些普遍能引人发笑的话,有些能让某些 轰然大笑。

  • On the stage of uproarious talks and revelry language in the edge of centuries Fang Fang is well-known as one of the authors who possess the special language-expression way .

    在世纪之交众声 喧哗、语言狂欢的舞台上,方方可以说是其中具有独特的言说方式的一位作家。

  • It is also the persistent pursue that enables him to constantly search for the expression way of the individual discourse among uproarious discourse of other people and thus accomplish the unique features of the literary style in his drama as well as the unique artistic charm of his drama .

    反过来,也正是这份执著,使他能够在 喧闹 他人话语中反复寻找着个人话语的表达途径,从而造就了其戏剧文体的独特风貌, 造就了曹禺戏剧的独特艺术魅力。

  • At every moment a group of men involved themselves in uproarious horse-play .

    时时有一群人闹着恶作剧, 成一片。

  • The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime Eastre .


  • Little by little the bus trip turned into one great fit of laughter an uproarious interminable fit of laughter .

    渐渐地,车上的人忽然大笑起来,笑声 肆无忌惮、没完没了。

  • The colonel was the centre of an uproarious group of men .

    上校是 喧闹的人群的中心。

  • This is all good fun but the main selling point of Crystal is not to provide uproarious entertainment . It is to help you communicate better .

    这很有意思,但 Crystal的主要卖点不是让 捧腹大笑,而是为了帮你更好地沟通。

  • He had spent several uproarious evenings at the Embassy Club

    他在使馆俱乐部度过了几个 狂欢夜。

  • But while that film is mildly funny Impossible is Nothing is uproarious .

    这部电影只是略有些滑稽,但万事 有可能则 令人捧腹 大笑

  • Even in the inner part of traditional historical novels conservative and radical jesting and serious also is becoming uproarious .

    即使在传统历史小说内部,保守与激进、戏说与正 之间 日渐 喧哗

  • The noise of talk and laughter was uproarious .

    说笑声很 吵人

  • So he laughed an uproarious goat-laugh like the clanging of cymbals .

    因此,它爆发出如 铙钹发出的叮当声一般的山羊的 捧腹大笑

  • We often use it to describe some uproarious festivities .

    我们通常用它来形容一些 骚动的庆典。