
[ˈvɔdˌvɪl, ˈvod-, ˈvɔdə-][ˈvɔ:dəvɪl]


  • 11 athletes from national gymnastics team as gymnastics group 11 actors from Wuhan vaudeville band as vaudeville group .

    以来自国家体操队的11名运动员为体操组,武汉 杂技 的11名演员为杂技组。

  • In 1901 he broke out of vaudeville and set his sights on Broadway .

    1901年,他放弃了 杂耍 表演,决定到百老汇发展。

  • A theater in which vaudeville is staged .

    表演 歌舞 杂耍 地方

  • Along with their two brothers they performed in stage shows called vaudeville in New York .

    和其他两个兄弟一起,他们在纽约表演被叫做 歌舞 杂耍的舞台秀。

  • A theater in which vaudeville is staged . Two comedians followed ( eg in a variety show ) by way of light relief .

    表演 歌舞 杂耍 地方。两名喜剧演员接着上场使观众轻松一下(如杂耍演出中)。

  • The music presented in the ritual includes opera instrumental music dance Nuo opera and vaudeville .

    仪式中呈现的音乐,包含戏曲、器乐、舞蹈、傩戏以及 杂耍

  • Well do you want to get in a comedy or on the vaudeville or in the chorus ?

    “喔,你是想演喜剧,还是 杂耍 ,还是 群舞演员。”

  • After taking singing lessons she joined her mother and stepfather 's vaudeville act and by the age of15 was so successful she was paying the mortgage on the family home .

    童年时,安德鲁斯学习了音乐课程之后,很 加入了继父和母亲的 杂耍 表演行列,15岁的时候, 表演相当成功,她 甚至可以 帮助家里还些贷款。

  • RESULTS : 114 people in artistic gymnastics group 11 people in gymnastics group and 11 people in vaudeville group were all involved in the result analysis .

    结果:艺术体操组114名及体操组11名和 杂技组的11名均进入结果分析。

  • The mayor talks like a vaudeville comedian in his public address .

    在公共演讲中,这位市长讲起话来像个 歌舞 杂耍演员。

  • One of the most memorable gags in the history of vaudeville .

    舞剧历史上最令人难忘的 噱头之一。

  • He started out in vaudeville .

    他是以 歌舞 起家的。

  • While in school Benny got a job as a violin player with the Barrison Theater the local vaudeville house .

    学生时代,本尼得到了一份在 巴里逊剧院(当地的 歌舞杂技团)做小提琴手的工作。

  • Popular juvenile skits which may derive from vaudeville or other stage comedy are the only other shreds of possible folk drama to be found in the United States .

    流行广泛的青少年滑稽短剧,可能起源于 杂耍或其他的舞台喜剧,是其他仅存于美国的民间戏剧。

  • In 1925 Burns met the vaudeville actress Grace ( Gracie ) Allen whom he married the following year .

    1925年,伯恩斯邂逅 喜剧女演员格雷斯(格雷西)-艾伦,于次年结婚。

  • The standard length of a vaudeville act was 12 minutes .

    一个 杂耍 节目的标准长度是12分钟。

  • The room was decorated with pictures of vaudeville celebrities .

    这个房间有 歌舞 明星的照片装饰。

  • One of the most memoraBle gags in the history of vaudeville . With the help of some advertising stunts she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood .

    舞剧历史上最令人难忘的 噱头之一全靠广告噱头奏效,她成功初登好莱坞,人所共知。

  • Near Grantaire an almost silent table a sheet of paper an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out .

    紧靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张纸、一瓶墨水和一支笔,放在两个小酒杯中间,宣告着一个 闹剧剧本正在酝酿。

  • But me and the fish man have plans to bring back vaudeville .

    但是我和渔民打算带来 杂耍 表演

  • ' It 's not that . It 's just that if you had told me you wanted to come to the Vaudeville this evening I could have sent you tickets for a box every bit as well as he could .

    没有的事,不过如果您早跟我讲今天晚上想到 歌舞 剧院来,我也会像他一样把这个包厢的票子给您送来的。