vector computation

[ˈvɛktɚ ˌkɑmpjʊˈteʃən][ˈvektə ˌkɔmpjʊˈteɪʃən]


  • A novel data prediction model Support Vector Machine with Granular Computation ( SVM_GC ) is proposed for processing the complex prediction problems with mass biological data .

    针对海量数据的复杂生物数据分类预测,本论文提出了一个新型的基于粒 计算的支持 向量机预测模型(SVMGC)。

  • This paper utilizes two characteristics of the large scale power system : the correction equation is large sparse and the vector is short and studies the power system computation based on Krylov subspace method .

    结合大规模电力系统修正方程组高维超稀疏性以及短 向量的特点,提出以Krylov子空间方法研究电力系统方程 计算问题。

  • Vector space model the weights were calculated from the characteristic value the text vector to determine similarity computation and clustering center of the aspects of CBC clustering algorithm was improved .

    采用向量空间模型,分别从特征值权值计算、文本 向量相似度 计算和聚类中心点确定三个方面对CBC聚类算法进行了改进。

  • Numerical examples indicate that the new algorithm is very efficient since the vector computation can be applied .

    YH-1 向量 上做了数值实验,数值结果显示此算法很有效。

  • Through the above optimized macroblock mode mapping algorithm and motion vector refinement search algorithm we achieve a significant reduction of computation complexity under the requirement of ensuring video quality .

    通过采用上述优化的宏块编码模式映射算法和运动 矢量精细化搜索算法,能够在保证图像质量的前提下,显著降低所需的 计算

  • A reference vector algorithm for the Initial Orbit Computation

    初轨 计算的参考 矢量

  • Vector Algorithms for Solving Branch Computation Problems on the YH-2 Supercomputer

    分叉 计算问题在YH-2机上的 向量算法

  • The results showed that : direct torque control than the vector control is relatively less online computation the direct torque control is relatively simple the speed and torque response speed is relatively fast .

    结果表明:直接转矩控制比 矢量控制的在线 运算 相对少一些,直接转矩控制相对简单,其速度和转矩响应速度相对来说较快。

  • So that support vector regression should be considered as a promising computation method in calibration of analytical chemistry .

    这说明支持 向量回归是一种多变量校正的有用 算法

  • The complexities and models for power system fault analysis such as harmonic analysis sequence component analysis vector analysis and stability computation are discussed .

    讨论了电力系统故障分析的复杂性及相关模型即谐波分析模型、序分量模型、 矢量分析模型和稳定 计算模型;

  • This method can better represent the conceptual feature of texts than simple words improve the system performance meanwhile decrease the dimension of text vector to reduce the load of computation and improve the filtering efficiency .

    该方法比单纯的词汇信息更能体现文本的概念特征,提高过滤系统的性能;同时还能降低文本 向量的维数,减少 计算 ,提高过滤效率。

  • The Motion Vector Computation Method of the Moving Object in Video Surveillance System

    视频监控系统中监控目标运动 矢量 计算

  • The mathematic models of the support vector computation complexity and the sample segmentation subset amount were established the optimum choosing method of the subset amount was gi .

    提出快速高光谱图像异常检测支持向量数据描述方法,该算法通过样本分割有效降低求取支持 向量 计算量。

  • Least Squares Support Vector Machine ( LS-SVM ) is an improved algorithm to standard support vector machines . It simplifies the model parameters and speeds the computation by solving a set of linear equations instead of quadratic programming for standard SVM .

    最小二乘支持向量机是标准支持 向量机的改进算法,它 通过将最小二乘线性系统引入支持向量机,代替了标准支持向量机采用二次规划方法解决函数 估计问题的做法。

  • Application of Vector Asymptotic Boundary Conditions for the Computation of Three dimensional Unbounded Eddy Current Fields

    矢量渐近边界条件在三维开域涡流场 计算中的应用

  • Based on 1 w_1012 we introduce another method of constructing a fuzzy basis and give deter - mination of fuzzy basis for a fuzzy vector space then give computation of dimension of fuzzy vector spaces and distribution of value .

    本文在〔1〕的基础上给出了模糊基的另一种构造方法,由此得到了模糊基的判定方法。 研究了基的μ值分布状况,最后给出了模糊 向量空间维数的 计算 方法

  • Recognition experiment shows it is an efficient strategy in using finite state syntax to assist continuous speech recognition and the continuous density HMM is superior to HMM / VQ based on vector quantization in accuracy of recognition but it needs more computation .

    实验表明,用有限态文法辅助进行连续语音识别是一种有效的策略;连续密度HMM与基于 矢量量化的HMM/VQ相比需要较大的 计算 ,但可明显提高识别准确率。

  • The experimental results show that the neighborhood principle can solve the problem of support vector computation of massive data effectively .

    实验结果说明,邻域原理可以有效地解决对海量数据 计算支持 向量的问题。

  • Based on the local one-dimensional method and one-dimensional alternating segment method a new alternating segment explicit-implicit ( LASE - I ) method for the two-dimensional diffusion equation is developed which is suitable for parallel or vector computation .

    把局部一维方法与一维交替分段方法相结合构造了解二维扩散问题的交替分段显-稳方法(LASE-I),方法简单且是无条件稳定,特别适用于并行和肉 计算

  • The model of image neighborhood change vector field is established by computing neighborhood changes on multi-direction and several computation methods of vector field are discussed .

    本文首先讨论了图像邻域变化 矢量场模型,分析了不同的邻域变化场 计算方法。

  • The analysis method for rigid body kinematics and mechanics of the five-link suspension based on the vector analysis principle are studied and in advance one iterative computation method for elastic kinematics of the sus-pension with elasticity of rubber bushes considered are presented .

    探讨了基于 矢量分析原理进行五连杆悬架的刚体运动学和受力分析的方法,并进一步提出了一种考虑橡胶衬套弹性的悬架弹性运动学迭代 计算方法。

  • Based on a Rough Attribute Vector Tree ( RAVT ) two kinds of fast matrix computation algorithms & Recursive Matrix Computation ( RMC ) method and Parallel Matrix Computation ( PMC ) method are proposed for data cleaning and rules extraction finished synchronously in rough information system .

    借助于粗糙属性 向量树( RAVT)的巧妙构造,提出了两种能同时完成属性约简、数据清洗和规则提取的快速递推矩阵算法(RMC)和分布式并行矩阵算法(PMC)。

  • The vector surface integral equation can 't be applied to numerical computation directly because its integrands possess the high order singularity .

    矢量的面积分方程因其被积函数具有高阶奇异性,不能直接应用于数值 计算

  • Quantum Genetic Algorithm which is based on the state vector denotation of quanta is the combination of Quantum computation and Genetic Algorithm .

    量子遗传算法是 量子 计算和遗传算法相结合的一种新的优化算法。

  • This method includes three parts : extraction of image 's character vector quantification of image 's character computation of match degree .

    它包括人脸的特征提取、 特征量化和匹配度 计算三部分。

  • A General 3D High-Fidelity Shell Vector Element for Electromagnetic Computation in Thin Structures

    用于薄结构中电磁场 计算的三维高精度壳体 矢量单元

  • Starting from the relationship between the angular velocity and linear velocity of movement vector in the 3D space this paper focuses on computation of rotation minimizing frames based on previous research .

    在前人工作的基础上,从三维空间中运动 向量的角速度和线速度的关系出发,研究了适应型旋转最小标架和指向型旋转最小标架的 计算

  • The uniform expressions of flux vector after splitting are presented to simplify the computation procedure and make preparations to use the advanced finite difference schemes .

    在此基础上,详细推导得出了 通量按正负 特征 分裂以后的亚通量的统一形式,不仅简化了 计算程序,而且为使用现代先进数值格式打下了基础。