vector address

[ˈvɛktɚ əˈdrɛs][ˈvektə əˈdres]


  • In some computers the interrupt vector is an address that points to a location in memory where the beginning address of the I / O service routine is stored .

    在一些计算机中,中断 向量是一个 地址,它指向存储器中存储I/O服务程序其实地址的单元。

  • Vector address is a kind of network address which is encoded according to the forwarding port number on data transmission path .

    向量 地址是一种按照数据传输路径上的转发端口号进行编码的地址, 向量交换是依据 向量地址转发 向量数据包的方式。

  • Support vector machines and neural networks are the most common modeling method . However the main modeling objects are often univariate series or linear systems and lack of effective methods to address complex multivariate series .

    支持 向量机和神经网络是最为常用的建模方法,然而,目前预测模型的研究对象往往为单变量序列或线性系统,缺乏对复杂多变量序列的有效 处理方法。

  • An improved k-nearest-neighbor search method based on projection and triangular inequality is presented some inequalities are used to delete impossible data points and reduce distance computations . An improved method based on vector projection is proposed to address the problem of pre-extracting boundary vectors .

    提出了改进的基于投影和三角不等式的k近邻搜索法以及改进的基于 向量投影的边界向量预选取方法。

  • Vector Network ( VN ) a new type of data communication network is based on vector address which is coded according to the port number of communication equipment .

    向量网技术是一种新型的网络技术,它采用基于端口号而不是节点本身或通信线路的编址方案,利用 向量 地址进行数据传输的新型网络技术。

  • If the serial interface is not able to generate an interrupt set this value to any unused interrupt vector address .

    如果串行接口是无法产生一个中断,将此值设置为任何未使用的中断 向量 地址

  • When specific implementing set an interrupting vector table and make its address immobilized which means all programs address are fixed so after the interruption the resolver can automatically find the vector table .

    在具体实现时,设置一个中断 向量表并将其 地址固定化,即所有的程序地址是固定的,这样在中断发生后,解析程序能够自动找到向量表。

  • Many of the examples in the Sun documentation use Vector for storing the list of listeners which addresses part of the problem but it doesn 't address the whole problem .

    Sun的文档中的许多示例使用 Vector保存侦听器列表,它解决了部分问题,但是没有 解决全部问题。

  • The central processing unit ( CPU ) in an embedded system invokes the reset vector to start a program at a known address in flash / ROM.

    嵌入式系统中的中央处理单元(CPU)会调用这个重置 向量来启动一个位于闪存/ROM中的已知 地址处的程序。