




  • Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be .

    男模特儿并不总像 人们 的那样 愚蠢

  • While Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) may seem like a vacuous marketing term designed only to get you to buy more software the term actually has meaning for something useful .

    首先,让我们 澄清 这个模棱两可的 概念 & 所谓的企业服务总线(ESB)。 首先,它不是一个产品;其次,它不是一个 虚幻的营销术语,不是专门用来诱导您购买更多软件的。

  • Offensive Slang A woman especially one who is perceived as vacuous or as having an exaggerated interest in sexuality .

    女人,尤指被认为是 妓女或对性有特别兴趣的女人。

  • The English Patient was absolutely faithful to a morally vacuous book that almost worships adultery suicide and mercy-killing but reviewers commented on the chemistry between the lovers in the film .

    《英国病人》非常忠于道德 空虚的原著,那本书里一味地崇尚不伦,自杀以及安乐死,但是影评人却称片中的情侣关系融洽。

  • Guo 's fans say he 's the voice of a new material-minded generation but many critics have savaged Tiny Times as a vacuous homage to consumerism that sets a bad example for Chinese youth .

    郭敬明的粉丝称他代表了专注于物质的新生代,但许多评论家却攻击说《小时代》是对消费至上主义的 空虚崇拜,为中国的年轻人树立了负面榜样。

  • The second was that he repeated a vacuous mantra about a strong dollar being in America 's interests even as everyone knew policymakers quietly welcomed its slide .

    第二, 虽然 财政部长夸夸其谈,大唱 赞歌什么美元的 优势符合美国人民的利益,可是谁都知道那些决策者暗地 美元下滑。

  • The narrow swinelike eyes were open no more vacuous in death than they had been in life ( Nicholas Proffitt )

    这狭长的猪似的眼睛睁着,与其说他们仍活着不如说是死去般的空洞无物(尼古拉斯 普罗菲特

  • Lung AE ( 3 cases ) appeared as irregular peripherally scattered nodules with small vacuous or cavities inside .

    肺泡状 棘球蚴 3例,表现为以肺 野外带居多,内部有“小 空泡 ”或 偏心 空洞”的结节灶;

  • Labour 's election slogan a future fair for all was vacuous .

    全民公平的未来& 英国工党的这句竞选口号 非常 空洞

  • Analysis and Study on Navigation Accuracy of Laser Gyro SINS System of Vacuous Basis


  • Unfortunately a vacuous slogan is underpinned by ineffectual proposals .

    遗憾的是,这个 空洞的口号只得到无效提议的支撑。

  • When you feel vacuous and unhappy you can do some labour such as cleaning the house tables and windows .

    感到 空虚不快乐的时候你可以劳动一下,比如打扫房子, 桌子,窗子 的;

  • When life is monotonous even grief is a welcome event even a fire is diversion . A wart is adornment to a vacuous face .

    当生活非常单调乏味的时候,就算是 的事也是很受欢迎的,而火灾更是一种娱乐;在 茫然 的脸上, 伤疤 了装饰品。

  • The effects of irradiation dosage irradiation temperature different kinds of packing container vacuous capacity of the container technology of making wine and storage time on acceleration of yellow rice wine mellowness were studied by sensory evaluation and chemical composition analysis .

    以黄酒感官 品评和化学成分为指标,研究~(60)Coγ射线辐照剂量、辐照温度、包装容器、容器的空隙度、酿造工艺、贮藏时间对黄酒加速陈化效果的影响。

  • It 's completely vacuous it says absolutely nothing does it ?

    它是完全 空虚的,它完全没说什么?

  • Unlike religions the great meme-complex of science includes methods for throwing out ideas that are vacuous nonsensical or plain wrong .

    科学与宗教都是庞大的迷因复合体,但是科学与宗教不同,它有抛弃 空洞、合理或错误点子的方法。

  • His eyes looked dull almost vacuous .

    他看上去目光呆滞, 茫然若失

  • We would be satisfied with any draft document however vacuous .

    我们对任何草案都会感到满意,即使草案的内容 非常 空洞 所谓

  • As a separate engineering division with its own racing cars and a race series on the way there 's no way Abarth was going to just give this car a vacuous makeover .

    作为一个单独的工程司有自己的赛车和赛事的道路上,就没有办法去阿巴特是只给这个赛车 空虚改造。

  • Rarely can such a vacuous concept have found its way into a debate claming to provide enlightenment .

    这样一个 空洞的概念很难设法进入声称要提供启示的争论之中。

  • Someone who is moving from an interesting but false claim to a true but vacuous claim .

    有人从一个有趣,但错误的宣称转移到一个真实但 空虚的。

  • However he was ill soon after he was retired because he didn 't know what he should do and he was very vacuous worried everyday .

    然而,他退休后不久就病了,因为他每天不知道该做什么,而且感觉很 空虚、焦虑。

  • Vacuous slogans are today found as often on the walls of public sector offices as in the business sector .

    如今,公共部门办公室墙上的 空洞口号往往 私人部门的

  • In return he offered cuts in industrial tariffs that were if anything even more vacuous .

    作为回报,他就工业关税减免,如果有区别,那就是更加 空洞

  • Here are half a dozen things Europeans could do to show that our multilateralism is more than a vacuous slogan .

    欧洲人可以做六件事,以显示我们的多边主义不只是一 空洞无物的口号。

  • On the other hand you could consider a move to fashion or entertainment law which will make Vegas La models and vacuous conversation a comprehensive part of your life .

    另一方面,你可以考虑转到时装或娱乐法领域,这样拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶、模特和 空洞的谈话就会成为你生活的一个组成部分。

  • Expression of Genes Related to Genome Stability and DNA Repair in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Clustering Families with Vacuous Pattern

    气虚 体质之鼻咽癌高癌家系成员基因组稳定与修复基因表达