vacuum up

[ˈvækjuəm ʌp][ˈvækjuəm ʌp]


  • When there is vacuum in the intake manifold the vacuum holds the diaphragm up .

    当进气歧管有真空存在时, 真空 便 吸引膜片。

  • During the vacuum preloading construction setting up the scientific monitoring way is effectual to control the construction quality .

    真空预压法的施工过程中, 建立科学的监测方法是控制施工质量的有效途径。

  • As a result the major reason was analyzed and the corresponding solutions including an optimization for the customers'system and the vacuum purifier were brought up .

    为此,分析了泡沫产生的原因, 提出了在用户系统、 真空滤油机方面针对泡沫的解决方案。

  • Results Satisfactory rate of subjects to vacuum suction was up to 96 % and clinical efficacy rate of the operation was 100 % .

    结果受术者对手术满意率 96%,临床有效率100%。

  • After several hours vacuum up the baking soda and your carpet will be odor and chemical free .

    几个小时后, 吸尘 苏打粉,你的地毯没有异味,也没有有害化学品了。

  • A finite element analysis model that is the same as an electrode structure of a commercial cup type axial magnetic field vacuum interrupter is built up .

    对杯状纵磁 真空灭弧室触头 建立了与实际触头结构完全一致的有限元分析模型,模型中 电弧弧柱处理成圆柱形金属导体。

  • They vacuum up responsibility because they enjoy seeing things happen in effective ways and are always ready to take on more .

    他们 肩负 所有责任,因为他们乐于看到工作有效地得到开展,而且总是准备去承担更多的责任。

  • This system can show the present vacuum on computer and set up the suitable safe pressure .

    该装置能够在计算机上显示当前 真空 ,可以 设置合适的安全气压。

  • In China the CBM content mainly consists of four parts among them vacuum heating amount of gas evolved and vacuum heating crushed up amount of gas evolved are mostly cannot be recovered during exploitation and should be deducted from calculation .

    认为其中的真空加热脱气量和 真空加热 粉碎脱气量在开采时因大部分不可能采出,计算煤层气可采资源量时应予以扣除。

  • Officials say the thief cut a small hole in the store 's window and then used a vacuum cleaner to suck up the goods .

    警察说小偷在商店的橱窗上钻了一个洞,然后用 真空吸尘器 吸走 珠宝。

  • This paper process classification analysis to the data of the selective examination to the product quality of the mechanical half-automatic strapping machine and vacuum packaging machine tally up out the common problems of current · packaging industry in our country ( for reference ) .

    本文通过对半自动捆扎机、 真空包装机产品的国家质量监督抽查的数据进行分类分析, 总结出目前我国包装机械行业存在的共性问题,供行业有关人士参考。

  • Development of a Vacuum Shaft Seals Device Filled up and Self-replenished with Magnetic Fluid


  • Where Are Vacuum Pick - up Devices Going ?

    真空摄像器件 何处去?

  • High vacuum will speed up the cooling process while it makes the mass loss increase .

    提高 真空 可以 加快预冷过程,但会增加物料的质量损失。

  • A placing arm that uses a vacuum picks up the chip .

    一根机械放置手臂使用 真空吸盘 抓起芯片。

  • Using vacuum adsorb style fix up paper .

    固定纸张方式采用 真空吸附方式。

  • Integrated evaluation system of vacuum freeze-drying quality was built up by the way of administrative levels analyzing model to select the best techniques condition of vacuum freeze-drying quality .

    通过层次分析模型的方法, 建立了评价 干后品质的综合评判体系,用以甄选冻干的最佳工艺条件。

  • Process of vacuum siphon picking up and unloading liquid caustic soda in railroad tank car

    铁路槽车液碱 真空虹吸 接卸工艺

  • The LHCD system vacuum pumping had been set up for the transmission line and launch antenna . The vacuum in antenna and transmission are 2.3 Pa and 4.3 × 102 Pa respectively and the leakage factor is 1.675 × 10 ? 4 Pa.

    建立了低杂波真空系统,天线真空度为 2.3Pa,传输系统 真空度为4.30×102Pa,天线对装置的漏率为1.675×10-4Pa?

  • Two stainless steel columns ( 2m × 2.2mm ) packed with 5A molecular sieve ; GDX series and porapak series are used and a set of centre cut vacuum sampling system is set up . The coefficient of variation is 5 & 10 % .

    实验 建立 一套中心切割 真空进样系统,用填装5A分子筛、高分子多孔小球等的两根2m×2.2mm的不锈钢柱交替进行,测定几种组份的变异系数5&10%,检测限约为0.01ppm。

  • But that delivery system also inclines the plant to vacuum up arsenic compounds which are unfortunately similar in structure to silicate .

    糟糕的是,砷化合物的结构与硅盐相似,因此这种传输系统也使得水稻易于 吸附砷化合物。

  • Never use a vacuum to suck up water or to vacuum a wet animal .

    绝对不要用 吸尘 去吸水或是去 清理一匹湿漉漉的马。

  • The vacuum is picked up from one of the primary-barrel venturis and is called venturi vacuum .

    真空是由主腔中的一个腔的喉管 建立的,被称为喉管真空。

  • The vacuum chamber is made up of aluminum material and the cost can be greatly reduced .

    外层 真空容器用 铝材制作,大大降低成本。

  • The micro-sphere target can be taken or put by the special vacuum pick - up gauge .

    专用 真空吸取器的设计解决 微靶球的取 问题。

  • A few percent of the CO2 molecules in the air manage to find such electrons . When there is vacuum in the intake manifold the vacuum holds the diaphragm up .

    空气中的一部分co2分子会吸引那些自由电子。当进气歧管有真空存在时, 真空 便 吸引膜片。

  • The existing determining method of the optimum vacuum of condenser is only fit for the condition of that condenser is clean in tubes and vacuum system tightness is up to standard or the performance of air ejector is normal .

    现有的凝汽器最佳真空的确定方法只适用于凝汽器水侧管壁清洁、汽轮机 真空系统严密性正常或抽气设备运行性能正常的工况。

  • In this article the practical possibility of bonding-technology adopted in vacuum technology are brought up on the basis of some application examples of adhesive on various structures in vacuum technology .

    本文通过胶粘剂在真空技术中不同结构的应用实例, 提出真空技术中采用胶粘技术的现实可能性。

  • With the US and its economic model discredited in the region because of the global financial crisis he says a power and policy vacuum has begun to open up that Beijing has filled .

    他表示,由于全球金融危机,美国及其经济模式在该地区受到质疑,权力与政策 真空开始 出现,而北京方面填补了这一 真空