vacuum down

[ˈvækjuəm daʊn][ˈvækjuəm daun]


  • CC manual ultra-high vacuum gate valve uses a handle to drive valve disc up and down to perform open and close action .

    CC超高 真空插板阀是以手柄带动阀板作上 运动使阀板开启或 关闭。阀门用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。

  • At present the appraising index is the rate of vacuum down obtained from vacuum tightness test .

    目前,评价汽轮机真空系统严密性的指标是真空系统严密性试验得到的 真空 下降速度。

  • When you expand a real gas into vacuum the temperature goes down .

    当一个真实气体,向 真空膨胀咱的时候温度会 下降

  • At the same time the residual radiation field distribution in the vacuum tank and its decay with time were estimated after the machine is shut down .

    同时,研究了在加速器 停机真空 内部的剩余辐射剂量场分布及其随时间的衰减规律。

  • Vacuum packing and storage under refrigerated condition can efficiently slow down the reduction of the contents of total flavonoids .

    真空包装和冷藏可有效地 延缓总黄酮含量下降。

  • In fact the key problem in vacuum laser acceleration is how to break down the symmetry between acceleration and deceleration so that the former becomes greater than the latter .

    实际上,光场加速的关键是 打破 真空中加速和减速的对称。

  • Pull out the air pump handle and pump it repeatedly until the vacuum indicator button goes completely down . When hogging ( during start-up ) the requirement is to lower the pressure as quickly as possible .

    每次拉动手柄, 真空显示钮(深蓝色)自动 降低,直至完全平 即可。当建立真空时(动期间)要求是尽快降低压力。

  • When dehydrating the turbine oil the vacuum purifiers will shut down frequently due to the aeration in the vacuum tower .

    真空滤油机在透平油处理中常会产生大量泡沫导致 停机

  • The key design of vacuum barrier is jacket because it can cut down the conductive heat and radiant heat from outer environment to the internal helium tubes by increasing the heat transfer routes . The thermal analysis of vacuum barrier also demonstrates the feasibility of the jacket design .

    真空隔断的设计关键在于jacket,以增加传热路径的方式增加热阻,可 减少外界对 真空隔断内部氦管的 导热和辐射热,真空隔断的热分析也进一步证明了jacket设计的可行性。

  • Put the vacuum down . you 're done with that now .

    把你手上的 吸尘

  • HEPA filter sleeve and vacuum down containment enclosure .

    怎么理解 不了呢,高效过滤器接头与 真空&?

  • Vacuum cooling was used instead of conventional air blast cooling to low down the temperature of fresh meat on the producing line of cooled meat then the meat was stored at ( 1 ± 1 )℃ .

    真空冷却代替现有冷却肉生产过程中采用的风冷,将肉贮藏在(1±1)℃的 冷柜内。