vector multiplication

[ˈvɛktɚ ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeʃən][ˈvektə ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeɪʃən]


  • In this paper we propose a novel digital matrix vector multiplication and the incoherent optical correlator to compute discrete wavelet transforms .

    提出一种新的数学编码方法来计算小波变换,并利用非相干光学相关器进行实验,结果与 理论分析 相符

  • The fast multiresolution algorithm of cell averages for matrix vector multiplication is applied to accelerate the iterative solution of the systems of linear equations generated by the 2 D direct boundary element method .

    因此将单元均值形式的矩阵& 向量 快速多分辨率算法应用于加速二维直接边界元法线性方程组的迭代求解。

  • Optimization techniques for the sparse matrix vector multiplication are adopted in programming .

    编程中采用了稀疏矩阵 向量 相乘的优化技术。

  • The definition of work suggests a third process of vector algebra namely scalar multiplication of two vectors .

    功的定义用到 矢量代数的第三种运算,即两个矢量的标

  • Document Similarity Degree Measuring Based on Compressed Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication Technique

    基于压缩稀疏矩阵 矢量 相乘的文本相似度计算

  • The algorithms use Scalar Product Protocol Index of the Minimum Value of Vector Sum Protocol Secure Multiparty Multiplication Protocol Secure Comparison Protocol and so on to achieve the privacy protection .

    所提的算法通过采用点积协议, 向量和最小值的索引协议,安全多方 除法协议,以及安全比较等协议达到隐私保护。

  • The Method of Pick-upping Outline Information in 2D Closed Graph by Vector Multiplication

    基于 矢量 的二维封闭图形轮廓信息提取方法

  • The Vector Multiplication Method of System in-tree Feedback Archetypes ' Spanning Set

    系统入树反馈基模生成系 向量 生成

  • Fast multipole method ( FMM ) is used to expedite the computation of matrix vector multiplication in iterative solver . Meanwhile fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) is applied to further accelerate the computation of translation term .

    在积分方程法的迭代求解中用快速多极子法(FMM)加速矩阵与 矢量 相乘计算,同时运用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)进一步提高快速多极子方法中的转换项计算。

  • Based on the character of the vector processing and the proper arithmetic algorithm modular addition and subtraction modular multiplication modular inversion reconfigurable cipher processing units are presented in the paper .

    本文根据专用指令设计的要求,结合 向量处理的特点,选择了合适的有限域运算算法,对模加减、模 、模逆等功能单元进行了可重构设计。