vector scan

[ˈvɛktɚ skæn][ˈvektə skæn]


  • The functions of vector graph edit chart layer management map scan have been realized with the application of MAPGIS .

    开发利用MAPGIS的相关功能,实现了 矢量图编辑、图层管理、 浏览功能。

  • The number of locally originated file updates which were created by a partner induced version vector scan that have been sent to the outbound partners of this replica set member .

    已经发送到这个复制集成员的出站伙伴的由伙伴引起的版本 向量 扫描创建的起源于本地的文件更新的次数。

  • A High Speed Dynamic Zero-Correction Deflection Amplifler Used in the Vector Scan Electron Beam System

    一个应用于 矢量 扫描电子束机中的高速动态校零偏转放大器

  • Using the row vector as computing unit instead of single element the matrix 's revolution is avoided and the scan times are reduced largely .

    提出一种新颖的稀疏矩阵相乘算法, 算法实现中将计算单元由单个元素扩展至行 向量,避免了矩阵的转置,减少了 扫描次数。

  • The mutual coupling effect brings about vector sum of coupling energy between array antenna elements changing with the scan angle that may result in larger power reflection in specific frequency and direction and makes radiation pattern resulting in false beam segment .

    互耦效应导致阵列天线单元间耦合能量的 矢量和随 扫描角而变化,在特定频率和方向上可能产生较大的功率反射,并且引起方向图出现虚假波瓣。

  • Standard Vector Compression Based on Test Set Grouping in Multiple Scan Chains

    扫描链测试集的分组标准 向量压缩法

  • Currently it is still unavailable for us to automatically extract a variety of vector information directly from the laser scan data .

    现在还不能直接从激光 扫描数据中自动提取我们所需要的各种 数据信息。

  • Pattern Dosage Calculation Method in Gauss Beam Vector Scan Patterning

    高斯圆束 矢量 扫描作图图形剂量计算方法

  • Vector scan electron beam system

    矢量 扫描电子束装置

  • The TAP controller controls the scan vector of boundary scan and the testing principle is a16-bit state machine . We can only detect the electrical level of the periphery circuit while the flow state of the TAP state machine is unknown to us .

    对于边界 扫描,控制扫描 向量的是TAP控制器,其检测原理是基于16位的状态机,一般情况只可探测到外围接线端的高低电平,却无法知道TAP状态机内部的运行状态。

  • The error sources of large scale scan vector digitization which these authors consider is basic essential object error workers ' error rectification error of scan image and quondam relief map error .

    经过对大比例尺地形图数字化的精度分析,认为要素对象误差、作业员的作业误差、 扫描图像纠正误差、原地形图的误差是地形图扫描 矢量数字化的主要误差来源。