vector space

[ˈvɛktɚ spes][ˈvektə speis]


  • A research into the semi-norms on a finite-dimensional vector space ;

    利用代数的方法获得了 共点有限 向量集的一类几何不等式。

  • In this paper we study the contractive mappings in vector space with vector norm by a map Φ defined on a order-complete vector lattice and obtain a fixed point theorem .

    在具有向量值范数的实 向量 空间上,利用一个定义在序完备向量格上的特殊映射Φ来引入压缩映射,并证明相应的压缩映射的不动点定理。

  • Study on measure method of vector space information retrieval system

    基于 向量 空间的信息检索系统的评价方法

  • The state space may be thought of as a big vector space with each basis element spanning the possible states of one system element ( say a memory register or the cam angle ) .

    状态空间可能被认为是一个大 向量 空间,其每个基本元素跨越一个系统元素的可能状态(比方说内存寄存器或偏心角)。

  • KNN ( K nearest neighbors ) is one of the best text categorization algorithms based on Vector Space Model .

    K近邻算法是基于 向量 空间模型的最好的文本分类算法之一。

  • The order in which the terms appear in the document is lost in the vector space representation .

    词项在文档中的顺序会在 向量 空间的表示中忽略。

  • This paper uses the classical vector space model for text classification Web page .

    采用经典的 向量 空间模型对网页文本进行分类。

  • Cyclic queue was used to conquer the false overflow in sequential queue and make the best of vector space .

    循环队列是为克服顺序队列“假上溢”现象,充分利用 向量 空间而提出并广泛应用。

  • Finally the method is shown by experimentation to be more effective than the classic vector space method .

    最后用实验验证了该方法的检索效果优于传统的 向量 空间方法。

  • Record Linking Protocol Based on Privacy-preserving in Vector Space

    向量 空间中基于隐私保护的记录链接协议

  • Language Recognition Based on Discriminative Vector Space Model

    基于区分性 向量 空间模型的语种识别

  • We set up document feature vectors and user interest vector and do their correlation calculation by using vector space model finally return the interested results for the user .

    分别构建文档特征向量和用户兴趣向量,运用 向量 空间模型对其做相关性计算,返回用户感兴趣的检索结果。

  • Service Similarity Measure Based on Ontology and Vector Space Model

    基于本体和 向量 空间模型的服务相似度度量

  • Magnetic gradient tensor is that the three components of the magnetic field vector space rate of change is able to do well for the dipole localization and tracking .

    磁力梯度张量表示的是磁场 矢量三个分量的 空间变化率,能够很好地用于偶极子场源的定位跟踪。

  • Based on vector space model a Bayes text classification method is proposed .

    提出基于 向量 空间模型的贝叶斯文本分类方法。

  • Research on the Key Technologies of Case Knowledge Base Based on Sentence Vector Space Model

    基于句子 向量 空间模型的案例知识库关键技术研究

  • Method of discovering similar patents based on vector space model and characteristics of patent documents

    基于 向量 空间模型和专利文献特征的相似专利确定方法

  • A new hybrid evolutionary LSF codebook optimization algorithm is proposed based on the vector space stretching .

    本文提出了一种新型的基于对LSF 矢量 空间进行拉伸变化的混合进化码书优化算法。

  • All parts of a product could construct an affine space and then each of them had a corresponding vector in the concomitant vector space of the affine space .

    零件、部件和产品的全体构成一个仿射空间,并与伴随 向量 空间中的向径相对应。

  • A method divided the coding vector space algorithm of control policies mating and a flowchart of the control system were given .

    提出编码 向量 空间的划分方法,控制策略匹配算法与控制系统总体流程图。

  • A Vector Space Projection HITS Algorithm Based on Similarity Value

    一种基于相似度值的 向量 空间投影HITS算法

  • Improved Vector Space Model and Its Application to Document Classification System

    改进 空间 向量模型及其在文档自动分类系统中的应用

  • A verifiable vector space secret sharing scheme is proposed whose security relies on the security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography ( ECC ) .

    提出了一种可验证的 矢量 空间密钥共享方案,其安全性依赖于椭圆曲线密码的安全性。

  • Through the vector space model text clustering genetic algorithms to try a new method summary of the text .

    将交叉覆盖学习算法和 向量 空间模型等技术相结合可得到一种新的垃圾邮件过滤方法。

  • Research and Realization of Question-Answering System Based on the Vector Space Model

    基于 向量 空间模型的中文问答系统研究与实现

  • Some concepts for classical ( signed ) measure are generalized without additivity and the corresponding results are made . We have discussed sum for subspace of vector space and cannot popularize sum of subspace to infinitude .

    在去掉可加性的条件下,将经典测度论中的某些概念加以推广,得到相应的结果.对 向量 空间的子空间的和的概念不能推广到无限多个子空间的情形进行了讨论。

  • We have discussed sum for subspace of vector space and cannot popularize sum of subspace to infinitude .

    向量 空间的子空间的和的概念不能推广到无限多个子空间的情形进行了讨论。