vacuum cleaner

[ˈvækjuəm ˈklinɚ][ˈvækjuəm ˈkli:nə]


  • Don 't bang your vacuum cleaner about it 's a sensitive machine .

    别粗手重脚地摆弄你的 真空 吸尘 ,它是很容易碰坏的机器。

  • A bag into which dirt is sucked by a vacuum cleaner .

    吸尘器所吸收的灰尘存放的包。像用 真空 吸尘 来吸一些东西。

  • But contrary to popular myth a black hole is not a cosmic vacuum cleaner .

    与流行的神话相反,黑洞并不是宇宙中的 真空 吸尘

  • The vacuum cleaner has weak suction .

    真空 吸尘 的吸力很弱。

  • I haven 't been able to hoover the carpet because my vacuum cleaner is on the blink .

    我无法用吸尘器把地毯 干净,因为我的 吸尘 出毛病了。

  • Equipment provided within the flat also includes a vacuum cleaner sweeping brush dustpan and brush mop and bucket .

    每个套间的设施同时也包括 吸尘 ,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。

  • Pieces of wool had got themselves wound round the rollers of vacuum cleaner .

    一些羊毛缠在了 真空 吸尘 的转轴上。

  • When he used the vacuum cleaner the TV set acted up .

    当他使用 真空 吸尘 时,电视机出了毛病。

  • Then Susan and I go upstairs to make the beds dust upstairs and downstairs and do the carpets with my vacuum cleaner .

    然后我和苏珊一起上楼去铺床,掸扫楼上和楼下的灰尘,用 真空 吸尘 清除地毯上的灰尘。

  • I worked at a vacuum cleaner plant with about fifty workers .

    我曾经在一家50人左右的 吸尘 厂工作。

  • Dirt and dust are drawn into a vacuum cleaner by suction .

    污物和灰尘被吸入 吸尘

  • The picture on our TV is spoilt by interference from your vacuum cleaner .

    我们电视机上的图像因受你们 真空 吸尘 的干扰而不 清晰了。

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust sand residue and other contaminants .

    真空 清洁器除去粉尘、残砂和其他污染物。

  • When the vacuum cleaner bag is full it will not take up dirt from the rug .

    吸尘 的纸袋若满了,就无法再吸地毯上的灰尘了。

  • The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner .

    售货员插上电源,示范 真空 吸尘 的操作。

  • A reconditioned sewing machine ; a repaired vacuum cleaner ; the broken lock is now fixed .

    修好的锁线装订机;修好的 真空 吸尘 ;坏的锁现在修好了。

  • The vacuum cleaner can make our room cleaner .

    吸尘 可以使我们的房间更干净。

  • They have not got a vacuum cleaner .

    他们没有 真空 吸尘

  • A robotic vacuum cleaner .

    一个机器人 真空 吸尘

  • First of all it 's a vacuum cleaner .

    首先,它是一台 真空 吸尘

  • Plug in the vacuum cleaner .

    吸尘 接上电源。

  • A cleaner needs a polisher and a vacuum cleaner .

    清洁工需要清洁剂和 吸尘

  • Hoover has become a household word for a vacuum cleaner through the world .

    在世界各地,家家户户都知道胡佛已成了 吸尘 的代名词。

  • It 's a phenomenal acceleration the simple vacuum cleaner .

    仅仅一个普通 吸尘 ,就拥有如此了得的加速度。

  • He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner the washing machine and other household appliances .

    他可以再学学使用 吸尘 、洗衣机和其他家用电器。

  • A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool .

    吸尘 是一种使用方便的家庭用具。

  • As soon as the vacuum cleaner is turned on every corner of your house will be cleaned .

    吸尘 一开,就能让你家的每一个角落即刻清洁!

  • She works overtime with her vacuum cleaner to keep grit out of the kitchen .

    她动用 真空 吸尘 力争不让厨房出现沙砾。