



  • Use washable plates or purchase biodegradable plates .

    使用 可以 清洗的盘子或者购买可以生物降解的盘子。

  • These blankets are warm and washable .


  • Materials are all washable and none or minimum iron .

    料子 可以 ,但勿用熨斗熨,或尽量少烫。

  • Research on preparation of washable multifunctional hydrophilic finishing agent for terylene fabric and its application properties

    涤纶织物 耐久 多功能亲水整理剂的合成及应用性能研究

  • Supplied complete with fittings instructions and removable washable cover .

    提供完整的配件、说明书和可拆卸、 清洗的外罩。

  • He is great for sleeping and is surface washable .

    他是伟大的用于睡觉和表面 清洗

  • It features washable waterproof fabric wide shoulder straps for comfort and a locking zipper .

    它的特点是 水洗防水布料制成,宽大的肩带非常舒服,并有一个拉链锁。

  • All covers and textiles are removable and washable .

    太阳 盖和布料可移动耐 的。

  • Washable safe easy to use clear ( glue ) .


  • Is this sweater machine washable ?

    这件毛衫 可以 机洗吗?

  • The cushion cover is not washable .


  • Choose washable curtains .

    选择 水洗的窗帘。

  • Coloured and washable inks usually contain soluble synthetic dyes .

    现代彩色墨水和 墨水,以含有可溶性合成染料 作为 唯一的着色 物质

  • Are these trousers washable do you know ?

    你知道这些裤子 可以 吗?

  • Clean out laundry tub after use . Is it machine - washable ?

    洗完衣服后清洁洗涤槽。可以用洗衣 机洗吗?

  • The keyboard is hidden inside a decorative washable tablecloth .

    键盘就藏在这个 外观漂亮且 可以 清洗的桌布里。

  • BATUCADA accessories are washable with mild soap and water .

    BATUCADA饰品配件 可以采用温和肥皂和水 清洗

  • Delighted to learn that his new wallpaper was washable the moron was furious when the very first time he washed it it was snatched from the clothesline .

    知道他新买的壁纸是 的,低能儿太高兴了。但在第一次洗的时候他就狂怒了,因为壁纸从晾衣绳上碎成了碎片。

  • I have travel clothes : comfortable slacks long sleeved shirt ( washable ) and a small zip jacket and black flats ( shoes ) and socks .

    我有“旅行便服”:很舒服的宽松长裤、 换洗的长袖衬衫、带拉链的小夹克、黑色平底鞋和短袜。

  • The Ostrich Pillow is made from washable fabric and comes in different colours .

    鸵鸟枕由 织布制成, 成品有不同的颜色。

  • This process can make it more washable and better hand-touching .

    这样可以增加 度,有更好的手感。

  • He is dressed in his Santa hat and scarf is very soft and is surface washable .

    他是穿着他的圣诞老人的帽子和围巾,很软,表面 清洗

  • Machine washable and proudly made in the USA.

    机器 ,都是在美国本土制造。

  • All products are manufactured in natural fibres without bright dyes and are machine washable .

    所有产品的生产基地在天然纤维,没有光明的染料,并 洗衣洗涤的。

  • I toweled myself and dressed in faded washable slacks sneakers and a short-sleeved white shirt .

    我用毛巾擦干了身子,穿上了褪色的 的便裤,穿上旅行鞋,再穿上一件短袖的白衬衫。

  • Features washable waterproof fabric to keep mud and dirt off the back of your vehicle 's seat .


  • Super sparkle washable glitter glue 5ct .

    5色可 水洗闪光胶水笔。

  • And machine washable darling . that 's a new feature .

    可以 机洗,亲爱的,这可是新功能。

  • The inventors have approached India 's National Institute of Fashion Technology to come up with a fabric that can be washable .

    发明者已经请印度国家时尚技术学院制造出一种 衣料