The monkey came in took the doll in his arms and jumping upon the washstand he began to wash its face .
然后这只猴子进来了,把玩具抱在他的怀里,然后跳上 脸盆 架,开始帮它洗脸了。
Mammy plucked a large towel from the washstand and carefully tied it around Scarlett 's neck spreading the white folds over her lap .
嬷嬷从 盥洗 架 上摘下一条大毛巾,小心地将它的 一端系在思嘉脖子上。 另 一端盖住她的膝头。
Black marble top washstand in toilet ; White tile suface to the lavatory trough .
卫生间 洗面 台 采用黑色大理 石板;洗槽外 贴白色面砖。
A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand
脸盆 架上方用钉子挂着一面镜子。
A baseball mitt and ball rested on top of the bureau and on the washstand a pitcher and bowl glowed as white as phosphorous .
桌上 摆着棒球手套和棒球, 盥洗 架上的水罐和碗闪闪发光,如磷光 般皎洁。
In order to solve above problems inside bathroom a real multiple-function washstand is built and modified after an invention patent .
为解决以上的问题,一部多功能 洗脸 台 由发明专利改善其设计制造 出来。
They possessed only a bed a washstand and a table .
他们只有一张床、一个 洗脸 架 和 -张桌子。
I remembered the books on Henrys washstand and asked her if she would read me a story .
我想起亨利 盥洗 架上的书,就问她能否给我读个故事。