vote by proxy

[vot baɪ ˈprɑksi][vəut bai ˈprɔksi:]

[法] 委任投票,代理投票

  • Vote by ballot proxy post

    记名 代理人、以邮寄方式 投票

  • A creditor may vote either in person or by proxy .

    债权人可亲自或 代表 进行 表决

  • Meetings can be held by telephone or other electronic means ; alternatively directors as well as shareholders may vote by proxy .

    会议可以由电话或其他电子手段,另外,董事以及股东可 委托 他人 投票

  • In order to ensure that more than half of the voters cast their votes they usually hold an election meeting or vote by proxy or ask other people to vote for them .

    为保证选区全体选民的过半数参加 投票而规定的召开选举大会、 委托投票、代写选票等程序安排也与 选举自由、 秘密 投票、一人一票原则相背。