vote against

[vot əˈɡenst][vəut əˈɡenst]


  • I thought they would vote against .

    我原以为他们会 反对

  • The majority of the ministers abstain or vote against the authorisation .

    大部分官员投了弃权票或者 反对

  • If city-dwellers believe that mayors will be costly figureheads they are likely to vote against them .

    如果市民认为市长们只会成为昂贵的傀儡,那么他们很可能 投票 反对这些市长。

  • There is a unanimous vote against the proposal .

    全票或一致 投票 反对一建议。

  • A third of Singaporeans normally vote against the PAP despite the weakness of opposition parties .

    尽管 反对党软弱无力,通常仍有三分之一的新加坡人 投票 反对人民行动党。

  • However a resolution can also be defeated if nine members of the council vote against it .

    不过,如果有9个安理会成员国 投票 反对它,那么决议也是无效的。

  • If the members of Parliament vote against the government they will have to go to the country .

    如果下议院议员 投票 反对政府,就得解散议会, 进行 大选,重新 选出下议院以决国事。

  • He would vote against it on principle

    他会根据原则 反对

  • It is unlikely ever to be reversed since that would require the Krupp Foundation to vote against itself .

    想要扭转这个局面是不可能的,因为这需要克虏伯基金会 自己的 反对

  • He soon realize the meeting is go to vote against his proposal .

    他很快就明白了这次会议将 投票 反对他的提议。

  • FDA will make the final call but the vote against Genentech doesn 't bode well .

    FDA将作出最后裁决,但 投票 反对基因泰克,并不是一个好兆头。

  • In addition at least three top ten shareholders in the group plan to vote against .

    此外,该集团最大的10家股东中,至少有3家打算 投票 反对

  • But I have to tell you my opponent did vote against three bills to create new jobs .

    但是,我得告诉你们, 国会就三项有关创造新就业机会的 提案 投票时,我的对手 反对

  • I call on the people of this town to vote against the measure !

    我号召本镇居民 投票反对这一措施!

  • Senior citizens in particular will vote against any changes to healthcare and retirement programmes .

    特别是,年长 选民反对任何修改医保和退休金计划的举措。

  • They offered ME500 pounds under the table if I would vote against the government 's plans .

    他们私下提供给我500英镑,如果我能 投票 反对政府计划的话。

  • They appear to be in a mood to vote against office-holders in the elections .

    他们在选举中似乎不愿 身居高位的人。

  • The arguments on both sides are persuasive but certain other factors incline me to vote against capital punishment .

    双方的辩论都很有说服力,但某些其他的因素促使我 投票 反对死刑。

  • I feel I would vote against her .

    我不会 她。

  • A deal will also fail if shareholders controlling more than 10 per cent of shares vote against it .

    如果控制着10%以上股份的股东 投票 反对,那么交易也将失败。

  • A politician would have to be mighty confident to vote against humanitarian aid and supporting the troops .

    除非相当有把握,一个政客不会贸然 人道主义救援和军用支出 反对

  • Ping An executives believe the majority of Belgian investors will vote against the revised deal .

    平安高管认为,多数比利时投资者将 投票 反对修改后的交易。

  • ' You mean he 's going to vote against her ? ' Scobie asked in surprise

    斯科比惊讶地问道:“你是说他会 她的 反对 吗?”

  • Payer can hit back at an unjust government is to vote against them at the next election .

    纳税人回击不公正政府的惟一方法是在下次选举中 他们 反对

  • The Opposition is / are going to vote against the government .

    反对党将 投票 反对政府。

  • I 'm sure he will vote against it .

    我肯定他会 反对 的。

  • The Party announced that it would not vote against the measure in parliament .

    该党宣布不会在国会中 议案 反对