



  • Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies .

    作者依然可以通过退出并加盟规模小些的公司来表明他们的 反对 立场

  • And of course we didn 't even have the vote did we ?

    当然了,我们连 投票 都没有,不是吗?

  • Our vote today indicates a change in United States policy

    我们今天的 选举表明了美国政策的一种变化。

  • They took a vote and decided not to do it .

    他们进行了 表决,决定放弃。

  • I probably would have voted that way anyway

    无论如何我可能都会那样 投票

  • People with disabilities have got a vote as well you know .

    你知道,残疾人士也拥有 投票

  • Why do you think we should have a vote on that ?

    为什么你认为我们应该对那件事 进行 表决

  • 52.5 % of those questioned said they 'd vote Labour

    52.5%的受访者表示他们会 投工党的

  • The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces .

    国会 投票 同意 出更多资金来维持美国军队的开支。

  • The government got a massive majority — well over 400 votes

    政府获得了远远超过400 赞成的绝大多数票。

  • Before that women did not have a vote at all

    在那之前,妇女连 选举 都没有。

  • His class voted him the man ' who had done the most for Yale . '

    他被班里 评选为“为耶鲁作出最大贡献”的人。

  • Mr Gould called for a move towards ' one man one vote '

    古尔德先生号召采取“一人 一票制”。

  • He walked to the local polling centre to cast his vote


  • The Bridgeport Common Council voted 9:8 for a five percent tax increase .

    布里奇波特市议会以9比8的 投票结果 通过了将税率提高5%的 决定

  • The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city 's original name of St Petersburg

    列宁格勒市的居民 投票 决定恢复该市原来的名字——圣彼得堡。

  • Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet and leaving the country

    成千上万的公民正准备离开这个国家,以这一举动表示 反对

  • The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party .

    压倒多数的 选票 给了民主党。

  • I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us .


  • Both chambers plan to vote on that policy before January 15th

    两院都打算在1月15日前对那一政策 进行 投票 表决

  • Opposition parties won about fifty-five per cent of the vote

    反对党大约赢得了55%的 选票

  • Mr Reynolds was re-elected by 102 votes to 60 .

    雷诺兹先生以102 对60票再次当选。

  • A single candidate is put forward and the people vote yes or no.

    先推出一个候选人,由人们 投票 表示 赞成反对

  • The General Court had voted $ 2 for a monument to be erected to his memory

    议会 投票 决定拨款2美元为他建一座纪念碑。

  • It seems many people would vote for the government at a general election if there was a new leader

    如果有一个新领导人的话,大选时似乎许多人都会 投票 支持政府。

  • If you think as I do vote as I do

    你要是和我想法一样,那就和我 一样的 吧。

  • Michael has been voted Player of the Year .

    迈克尔被 为“年度最佳球员”。

  • Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections

    全国选民的2/3有机会在这些选举中 投票

  • I vote that we all go to Holland immediately
