watch guard

[wɑtʃ ɡɑrd][wɔtʃ ɡɑ:d]


  • And most mornings of the year you can watch the soldiers outside changing the guard .

    一年之中有很多个早晨,你都可以 观看到士兵在宫外 换岗

  • The mind creates dukkha and that 's why we must really watch and guard our minds .

    心制造了苦,这就是为什么我们必须 看守我们的心。

  • See I have sold my watch for 100 francs and the guard and seals for 300 .

    青,我把我的 卖了一百法郎,把表链和 坠子卖了三百法郎。

  • Guard duties at fixed points chiefly mean among others security guard watch and ward prison and detention guard escort and patrol .

    固定目标执勤,主要是担负警卫、守卫、 守护、看押、 看守和巡逻等勤务。

  • At noon watch the changing of the guard .

    中午时,可以 观赏 卫兵 交接

  • Our country is grateful to all our fellow citizens who watch for the enemy and answer the alarms and guard America by their vigilance .

    美国感谢每一位 警惕防敌、响应警告和 保卫国家的同胞。

  • And the prince of the princes of the Levites Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be over them that watch for the guard of the sanctuary .

    亚郎大司祭的儿子厄肋阿匝尔是肋未人的最高领袖, 监督圣所服务的人。

  • We revert to more of a star game where we pass to one or two guys and just stand and watch guard Rafer Alston said .

    “把 传到一两个人手上,其他人站 不动,实际上这多少是球星战术” 阿尔斯通说。

  • Please help us to do all we can to watch our words and guard against sin and temptation .

    求祢帮助我们 慎言以免犯罪和受试探。

  • At noon you 'll watch the changing of the guard .

    中午可以 观赏 卫兵 换岗的仪式。

  • Watch and guard yourself from all covetousness for no one 's life is in the abundance of his possessions .

    你们要 当心,要 自守,免去一切的贪婪;因为人的生命,不在于家业丰富。