vomiting center

['vɒmɪtɪŋ ˈsɛntɚ]['vɒmɪtɪŋ ˈsentə]


  • Conclusion : Ginger-processed Rhizoma pinelliae exhibits a anti-emetic effect in minks which may be mediated by inhibiting the function of the vomiting center in central nervous system .

    结论:姜半夏在水貉 呕吐模型中具有止呕作用,其机制与 中枢抑制有关。

  • The mechanism of vomiting is mainly related to the four parts of the body that is abdomen trigger area of chemical receptor located in the fourth ventricles of the brain vestibule organ and senior cerebral center .

    呕吐 发生机理与身体的4个区域,分别为腹部、位于第四脑室的化学感受器触发区、前庭器官和高级大脑 中枢有关。