water tight

[ˈwɔtɚ taɪt][ˈwɔ:tə tait]


  • In the paper based on analysis of mechanism for improving impermeability of concrete by addition of fly ash the authors consider that fly ash concrete can be used in water tight works to improve leak proof performance and to achieve economical benefits due to use of waste fly ash .

    本文通过对粉煤灰混凝土抗渗机理分析,认为利用粉煤灰混凝土作 防水混凝土,既有较好的 防水效果,又有显著的经济效益。

  • Research on the irreducible and movable water of tight sandstone gas reservoir

    致密气藏束缚与可动 研究

  • For a water drive tight gas reservoir the accurate calculation of water influx is an important job for forecasting water invasion performance and preventing aqueous phase trapping damage .

    致密气藏开发过程中, 侵量的准确计算是预测水侵开发动态及防治水相圈闭损害的重要内容。

  • Although the accumulation process and gas & water distribution of tight sandstone gas is so important to the success of gas exploration the study on them are insufficient .

    但其成藏过程 和气 分布关系的研究是一个相对不足而又非常重要的领域,它的完善直接关系到勘探的成败。

  • For she had sixteen water - tight compartments . Even if two of these were flooded she would still be able to float .

    因为船由16个 密封舱组成,即使有两个舱进水,仍可漂浮在 水面上。

  • To settle environmental pollution complaint the comprehensive treatment of Yuan Ming garden water tight engineering with various kinds of measures

    采取多种手段解决环境污染投诉采取多种手段综合整治圆明园 防渗工程

  • Study of Minor Actinides Transmutation in Heavy Water Cooled Tight - Pitch Lattice

    稠密 重水栅格嬗变少 系核素研究

  • Water produced in many gas wells despite usual high irreducible water content in tight gas reservoir is a phenomenon not easy to explain .

    致密气藏一般束缚 含量高,但不少气井仍可产出水,这种现象很难解释。

  • On the sinking Flow - Rate of the soft soil Water - Tight oil Storage

    软土 水封油库渗流量的研究

  • Sadly as soon as it hit the water the arcs door opened proving it was less than water tight .

    不幸的是因为它击中了水,装置的门打开了,证明了它 防水性还不足。

  • Sable goggles use a soft silicon padding which fits slickly against the eyes this create a water tight seal that protect your eyes from cooling and other heritance .

    黑貂采用软性硅胶眼罩,舒适 服贴,密封不 透水,可以保护眼睛不受到冷水及其它物质的伤害。

  • This paper introduces hydraulic - formed of large diameter bellows and the control of hydraulic - former mould water - tight seal manufacturing process used in three gorges project .

    本文结合近年来在工程上的应用实践,就大直径波纹管的液压成形制造,在液压成形机、模具、 密封及制造工艺控制等方面介绍了部分成果和应用实例情况(三峡右岸工程)。

  • Effect of stress sensitivity on well deliverability under different water saturation in tight gas wells

    不同 含水饱和度下应力敏感性对 致密 气井产能影响分析

  • Study of gas recovery and water film thickness in water drive for tight sandstone gas reservoir

    致密砂岩气藏 驱动态采收率及水膜厚度研究

  • Protection on rubber sleeve This article introduces the calculating and drawing method for the sheetmetal work of non standard skew water tight sleeve .

    机械预缩机橡胶毯的保护本文着重介绍板金工展开非标准管件斜 防水套管的计算方法和绘图方法,这种情况在给排水设计圆形井筒泵房时经常会遇到。

  • Numerical simulation of removing water locking damage in tight gas wells

    蒸发作用解除 致密气井 锁伤害数值模型研究

  • In-house study on water locking damage of tight sand gas reservoirs with low permeability

    低渗透 致密砂岩气藏 锁损害室内研究

  • Many survival knives are sold that have hollow handles the idea being you can store survival essentials like matches and compass inside the water tight handle .

    许多出售的生存刀手柄被挖空,其想法是让你可以存放火柴、指南针等工具在 密闭 防水的手柄内。

  • Sealed coring and log interpretation show there is an ultra-low water saturation in tight gas reservoirs in northern Ordos basin the initial water saturation in tight gas reservoirs is between 20 % and 30 % which is far below the irreducible water saturation .

    密闭取心和测井解释表明鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界 致密 砂岩气藏存在超低 含水饱和度现象,气藏初始含水饱和度值范围低于束缚水饱和度范围。

  • Construction technology of mass water - tight concrete

    大体积抗 混凝土工程施工技术三 防渗 施工浅谈

  • Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover ( water tight door and window ) .


  • Therefore the change of water development has tight tie with the politics 、 military and agriculture activity in Xinjiang .

    因此,清代 水利事业的发展变化与清政府在新疆的政治、军事、农业开发活动 息息相关,清政府经营新疆活动的 盛衰直接影响着水利事业的兴废。

  • Centrifuge Model Test for Stability of Plastic Film Water - tight Facing on Dam of Regulating Reservoir of Yangquan Power Station No. ⅱ

    阳泉二电厂 调蓄水库土工膜防渗层稳定性离心模型试验

  • Soil cement is a harden solidify mixture formed under foxed proportion in cement soil and water after tight mechnical compression .

    水泥土是水泥、土和 按一定比例拌和均匀,经机械 压实形成的一种结硬性混合物。

  • Recognizing the water saturation in tight gas reservoirs directly affects reserves evaluation and development measurement of the gas reservoirs .

    致密 砂岩气藏 含水饱和度的认识直接影响气藏储量评价及开发决策。

  • Calculation of Developed View of the Skew Water tight Sleeve in Circular Shaft

    圆形井筒斜 防水套管展开图计算法介绍

  • Method : Using TS Y - ⅱ type disposable water - tight seal bottle matches with disposable suction pipe suction head and negative pressure suction implement to recover the pereion blood after being changed the connection method .

    方法:利用 TSY-Ⅱ型一次性 水封瓶配与一次性吸引管、吸引器头和负压吸引器,稍作连接方法上改动,用作回收胸血。

  • The influences of seepage force on foundation pit quicksand are analyzed herein based on the features of groundwater seepage around the water tight screen in the pit .

    本文根据基坑 防渗帷幕周围的地下水渗流特征,分析了渗流力对基坑流砂的影响,提出了按涌砂安全系数进行 防渗帷幕埋入深度计算的方法。

  • The logic is water tight but there are questions in China about how quickly re-education will generate more trustworthy figures .

    其逻辑非常 严密,但是再教育能以多快的速度带来更可信的数字,这在中国仍是个问号。

  • This article believe that the mechanism of forming ultra-low water saturation in tight gas reservoirs is the result of the process of removing water during hydrocarbon generating then proving the conclusion by an experiment .

    认为 致密 砂岩气藏超低 含水饱和度形成于其独特的成藏过程,成藏过程中的生烃排液作用对超低含水饱和度的形成具有决定性影响,并通过室内对比实验作了验证。