water pore

[ˈwɔtɚ pɔr][ˈwɔ:tə pɔ:]


  • Swelling of capillary water in micro pore of concrete after freeze makes deterioration of elastic modulus compression strength and tensile strength of concrete seriously .

    混凝土中的 在毛 细孔中结冰造成的冻胀开裂使混凝土的弹性模量、抗压强度、抗拉强度等力学性能严重下降,危害结构物的安全性。

  • Evaluation of Shaozhuang-Shuangmiao water site Quaternary pore water and Cambro-Ordovician karstic water environmental quality status quo were based on single constituent comprehensive evaluation .

    按照单项组分、综合评价法,对邵庄双庙 水源地第四系 孔隙水和寒武奥陶系岩溶水环境质量现状进行了评价。

  • Samples of sediment overlying water pore water and benthic invertebrate were collected at13 stations along a typical municipal polluted river in the Pearl River Delta .

    研究区域为珠江三角洲一条典型城市污染河道,采集了13个站位沉积物、上覆 间隙水及底栖动物样品进行分析。

  • Through the experiments pore structure characteristic the expanding and changing of pore structure with age period and the effect of high pressure water to pore structure of RCC ( Roller Compacted Concrete ) made with high volume fly ash were researched .

    通过试验,研究了高掺量粉煤灰碾压混凝土的孔结构特征、随龄期延长孔隙构造的发展变化以及高压 渗透结构的作用;

  • Numerical Simulation of the Process of Pore Water Infiltration and Pore Gas Flow in Unsaturated Soil

    非饱和土中 水流入渗和气体 排出过程的求解

  • The artesian pore throat system contains artesian water while the stagnant pore throat system mainly contains fine pore water micropore water stagnant pore water and molecular bound water .

    其中,自流孔喉系统中含有自由水;滞流孔喉系统中主要赋存有微细孔隙水、微孔隙 、死 孔隙水、和分子结合水。

  • Contents of Organochlorine Pesticides in Water Pore Water and Sediment in Minjiang River Estuary of China

    闽江 口水间隙水和沉积物中有机氯农药的含量

  • And the slowly available water pore space and unavailable water pore space were increasing with soil texture getting clayey ;

    迟效 孔隙和无效水孔隙随质地变粘而增加;

  • The conception on free water micro pore water and clay water is proposed in the light of the sandy-shale pore medium reservoir . Based on this conception the saturation model of the water of three types is established .

    针对陆相砂泥岩孔隙介质储层提出了自由 微孔 水、粘土水的概念,并以此为基础建立了三水饱和度模型。

  • The results of T1 indicate that there exit three states of water in water-alumina system e.g. bound water pore water and bulk water .

    自旋-晶格弛豫时间结果说明,体系中存在结合 孔隙水、自由水三种状态的水。

  • With the references of the increase of resistivity and the knowledge of relation between acoustic properties and saturation the experimental phenomena are contributed to the decrease of water saturation in pore of rock triggered by electroanalysis .

    结合岩石电阻率增大以及对含水饱和度影响岩石声学性质的一般认识,认为实验现象与电解导致的岩石 孔隙内部 含水饱和度的下降有关。

  • The control equations with coupled boundary conditions on the interface are established based on the equilibrium analysis for pore water and pore gas separately which can provide a new method to solve the problem of water infiltration .

    以交界面上的动边界为控制变量,描述了非饱和土中孔隙 的入渗和 孔隙气体的排出过程,为水流入渗问题的求解提供了一种新的方法。

  • However when there exists a stream of water in the pore Cl - can always move through the pore spontaneously which indicates that phospholamban pentamer can function as a Cl - channel as suggested before .

    这说明在该构型下,Ca2+不能通过。但是当 孔洞中存在一股 分子时,Cl-可以自发通过。这就验证了受磷蛋白五聚体可能是氯离子通道的假设。

  • When mudstone became saturated in water its pore pressure started increasing from zero .

    另外,随着泥岩内含 水量的增加,其 孔隙压力也由0慢慢增大。

  • For the applications of coaxial-cable electromagnetic wave reflection technique in measuring soil water content and pore ratio the interaction model for EM wave and single media was deduced based upon polarization mechanism .

    针对同轴电缆电磁波反射技术在量测非饱和 土土含水率方面的应用,在理论上研究了该技术的基本原理,从极化机理出发,推导了电磁波与单相介质相互作用的模型。

  • Results Patients with PICC had no phlebitis and physic liquor exosmosis . Study of Textile Artificial Vessel Wall Water Permeability and Pore Diameter Distribution

    PICC置管途径给药无静脉炎及药液外渗;纺织基人造血管管壁 渗透性和 孔径分布研究

  • With adoption of DRASTIC method to evaluate the underwater of Lijiang basin it shows that the underwater of Lijiang basin has a high vulnerability and it is easy to get polluted of karst water and pore water in margin basin .

    运用DRASTIC评价方法对丽江盆地地下水评价表明,丽江盆地地下水脆弱性高,盆地边缘的岩溶 以及 孔隙水易受污染。

  • Distribution and Origin of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Sea Water Pore Water and Sediment of the Central Area in the South Yellow Sea

    南黄海中部 海水间隙水和沉积物中多环芳烃的分布及源分析

  • Based on Darcy 's law and relation between water cut and pore volume a practical equation for describing water flooding regulation was established .

    以达西定律为基础,建立了一个基于 含水率与 注入 孔隙体积倍数的实用水驱规律模型,应用该模型可以预测水驱产油量或采收率。

  • Groundwater types are composed of Quaternary pore phreatic water 、 Quaternary pore confined water and pore-fissure water .

    乾安县地下水主要有第四系孔隙 潜水、第四系 孔隙承压水、上第三系裂隙孔隙承压水。

  • The hole was lined with a steel tube to prevent the walls from falling in . Study of Textile Artificial Vessel Wall Water Permeability and Pore Diameter Distribution

    纺织基人造血管管壁 渗透性和 孔径分布研究

  • It was proved that this theory and its interpretation methods can give comparatively evaluation results of three pore components-clay bound water pore micro-pore and free water pore . in reservoir formation .

    实例表明,根据该理论和方法确定的储层的三孔隙组分&粘土 孔隙、微孔隙水孔隙以及自由水孔隙组分可以取得较好的效果。

  • The purpose of CBM hydraulic fracturing wells are : Set up and connect borehole and remote high seepage paths-improve the seam water production-reduce the pore pressure of coal matrix-increase the amount of seam gas desorption-increase the single well coalbed methane production .

    煤层气井水力压裂的目的是:建立并连通井眼与远端的高渗流通道提高煤层产 水量降低煤基质中的 孔隙压力增加煤层气体解吸量提高单井煤层气产量。

  • Incubation test showed that when soils have same water filled pore space ( WFPS ) content the influence on N 2O emission of soil from wet to dry is bigger than that from dry to wet .

    培养结果说明,在相同的土壤 孔隙 含量(WFPS)条件下,土壤由湿变干过程产生的N2O通量高于土壤由干变湿过程中的产生量;

  • Numerical results indicate that for water saturated pore space relaxation is mainly related to pore size .

    对于 饱和 孔隙,弛豫时间主要由孔隙大小控制。

  • The higher is the irreducible water saturation not clearer are the resistivity changes when the irreducible water saturation and pore structure do not change .

    在束缚 饱和度孔隙结构有其他条件相同的的情况下,束缚水饱和度越高,电阻率变化形态越不明显; 孔隙 道越大,电阻率形态的变化越复杂。

  • Based on the generalized consolidation theory of unsaturated soils coupled analysis of deformation of soil skeleton and movement of pore water and pore air in stiff fissured clay and swelling soil were performed for a selected slope .

    在非饱和土广义固结理论的基础上,对某一边坡进行了变形与孔隙 气流动的耦合分析。

  • Aquaporin ( water pore ) A protein channel in the plasma membrane that facilitates water movement across the membrane .

    水通道( 水孔):位于质膜上的一种蛋白通道,控制水的跨膜运输。