

  • He was convinced that Germany 's misfortunes were as easily attributable to Field Marshal Von Hindenburg as to Hitler .

    他确信德国的厄运,陆军元帅 冯·兴登堡与希特勒都难辞其咎。

  • Effect of Von Willebrand Factor on Proliferation and Adhesion of Human Gastric Cancer Cell Line BGC-823 in Vitro

    血管性 血友病因子体外对胃癌细胞BGC-823增殖和黏附的影响

  • Yet Professor von Braun can restate it and make me see clear as day .

    然而教授 凡·布劳恩可以重申它,并且使我非常清楚。

  • Von Neumann Algebra on the Bergman Space Reducing Subspaces and Related Geometric Analysis

    Bergman空间上的 vonNeumann代数、约化子空间和相关的几何分析

  • Von neumann 's advice shows that the foundations of the RISC philosophy are not new .


  • Maria arrives at the villa of Captain von Trapp .

    玛利亚来到了 格奥尔格特普拉的别墅。

  • During his early years in the United states Wernher von Braun wrote a book called the Mars project .

    在他来到美国后的最初几年, 韦恩赫劳恩写了一部名叫《火星计划》的书。

  • The best actress award went to Kirsten Dunst for her performance in Lars von Trier 's film Melancholia .

    克尔斯滕•邓斯特(KirstenDunst)凭借在拉斯•冯•提尔(Lars vonTrier)的影片《忧郁症》中的表演获得最佳女演员奖。

  • You know the von wolfhausen brewery is our brewery .

    你知道温 万夫豪森的酿酒厂就是我们的酿酒厂。

  • Von Neumann pointed out that the same memory could be used to store both instructions and data .


  • We 're here to honor our grandfather Johan von wolfhausen .

    我们是以我祖父之名 约翰温万夫豪森来的。

  • Mr. von Daeniken : I think in Europe it 's changing .


  • Of or relating to Prince Otto von Bismarck or his accomplishments .

    属于或关于 俾斯麦的或他的成就的。

  • Von Neumann did a deal with his American military paymasters .


  • FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK : We did not realize how fragile our civilization was .


  • Von Frank Albert J.The Trials of Anthony Burns : Freedom and Slavery in Emerson .


  • The von Neumann entropy measure of entanglement is used to study the fractional quantum Hall effect on the sphere .

    纠缠的 纽曼熵测量被用于研究球分数霍尔效应。

  • Larger Deployment Zones courtesy of Baron Von Beer and his uber-mod .

    提供更大范围的部署区 啤酒男爵和他的尤伯杯改进型。

  • In 1912 he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen .

    1912年,他和 弗丽达·冯·里希特霍芬私奔了。

  • And von Neumann looked upon the machine and saw that it was crufty .


  • This post is by global wealth reporter Cristina von Zeppelin .

    本图由全球财富组记者克里斯蒂娜·泽普林(Cristina vonZeppelin)拍摄。

  • Count von rittenberg we have been boarded !


  • One of the pioneers of the general systems theory was the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy .

    的开拓者之一的一般系统理论是生物学家 路德维希冯贝塔朗菲

  • Next Von Frisch and his colleagues set up a feeding place close to the hive .

    随后, 冯·弗里希和他的同事们把喂食点设立在靠近蜂箱点地方。

  • She went to the Von Trapp family to care for seven children .

    她去 ·特拉普家照顾他家的七个孩子。

  • And I 've been forced to accept a position with Madame von meck .

    我被迫从 冯梅克夫人那里接受了一个职位。

  • That war and its aftermathconstitute the backdrop for Lessing 's best-known comedy Minna von Bavnhelm ( 1767 ) .

    这场战争和它所带来的后续影响,就是莱辛最有名的喜剧《 明娜·冯·巴尔赫姆》(1767)的故事背景。

  • Today Kay Gallant and I tell the story of space scientist Wernher von Braun .

    今天,我和凯·兰特来讲一下空间科学家 韦恩赫··劳恩的故事。

  • Particularly compared to von sammern .

    特别和范。 萨曼比较起来。