


  • A watcher of a ticket normally gets email-copies of all the replies to the ticket .

    一个申请单的 观察员通常会收到回复给该申请单的所有电子邮件的副本。

  • The bird watcher has been looking for the first robin to appear in the spring .

    这位鸟类 观察 一直在寻找出现在春天里的第一只知更鸟。

  • The File System Watcher event provider might fail if the performance counters on the server become corrupted .

    如果服务器上的性能计数器损坏,则可能导致文件系统 观察器事件提供程序失败。

  • Realtime Log Watcher - With this application you can monitor log files in realtime .

    使用这个应用程序,你能在运行时监控 日志文件。

  • And I thought of the other man the mysterious watcher .

    我还想到了另人,那个神秘的 监视

  • You should see the watcher application automatically update itself moments after the updater changes the data on the server .

    应看到在更新程序更改了服务器上的数据之后, 监视应用程序立即自动进行更新。

  • I want a worker not a clock watcher . don 't you understand .

    我要的是一个工人,而不是一个只会 钟表的。你明白吗?

  • Teddy : well you know he 's a keen bird watcher do not you ?

    泰迪:他热中 观察 野鸟,这是你知道的吧?

  • You are lucky this time Mr bottom watcher .

    你这次走运,“ 屁股”先生。

  • My films try to describe a journey of discovery both for myself and the watcher .

    我的电影试图为我自己也为 观众描述一个自我发现的 心灵之旅。

  • If Lotayu can be called the Godfather of Taiwan 's music Chen can be named as the pioneer of China 's internet and spirit watcher .

    如果说,罗大佑是台湾乐坛当之无愧的“教父”,那么,陈彤可以称作中国互联网新闻的先驱和精神 守望者

  • The dogma of laissez-faire and night watcher is either a pure ideal or a myth .

    自由放任和 守夜 的说法,或者 是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话。

  • The following table lists the custom log entries for the WMI event watcher task .

    下表列出了wmi事件 观察器任务的自定义日志项。

  • The new channel is certainly good news for the movie watcher .

    新频道对于电影 观众来说当然是个好消息。

  • That knower that particular watcher - the witness is your true self .

    这个被认知的对象,细致地 观察着&这个目击者正是你真正的自己。

  • It would be wrong to see this as a browser it is very much an operating system said Danny Sullivan editor of Search Engine Land and a long-time Google watcher .

    只将 Chrome视为一个浏览器是错误的,它更像是一个操作系统,谷歌的长期 观察家、SearchEngineLand的编辑丹尼•沙利文(DannySullivan)表示。

  • If I have sinned what have I done to you o watcher of man ? Why have you made me your target so that I have become a burden to myself ?

    察看人的主阿,我若有罪,于你 何妨?为何将我当作攻击的对象,使我成为你的重担呢?

  • Net Watcher requires file and printer sharing services . Please verify that sharing services are installed .

    网络 监视器需要文件及打印机资源共享服务,请检查是否安装了资源共享服务。

  • Net Watcher automatically updates the window every 20 seconds .

    网络 监视 每隔20秒自动地更新窗口。

  • You 're becoming a real television watcher .

    你越来越像个电视 专家了。

  • Performance improvements most notably include a50 % reduction in code indexing time as well as faster project sync on Linux with a native Linux file system watcher .

    性能改进中最近人注目的莫过于代码索引时间下降了50%,同时借助于本地的Linux文件系统 监视器实现了Linux上更快的项目同步。

  • As for the watcher the first thing he did was to fall asleep .

    至于那位 监视 ,他所做的第一桩事便是睡大觉。这是 场地 地道 的酣睡。

  • He 's too scared . he 's a watcher .

    他很害怕,他 只能 旁观者

  • The File System Watcher uses the event loader class to submit events .

    文件系统 观察器使用事件加载器类提交事件。

  • Within the Watcher Nodes step select the machine on which we installed the Oracle client .

    在“ 守望者节点”步骤,选择我们的机器上安装了Oracle客户端。

  • One file system watcher event provider and one custom non-hosted event provider .

    一个文件系统 观察器事件提供程序和一个自定义、非宿主事件提供程序。

  • But as a fellow Idol watcher she does not mind the misdials .

    但作为“美国偶像”的一名忠实 观众,她对此并不介意。

  • The watcher node can be any machine containing the SCOM agent .

    观察 节点可以包含任何机器SCOM代理。

  • Although I was not a bird watcher my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over .

    尽管我不是一名 观察研究 野鸟的学者,但是当我第一眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。

  • Disk Watcher data can be useful for analyzing and optimizing application I / O.

    Disk Watcher数据对于分析和优化应用程序I/O会很有用。