water mill

[ˈwɔtɚ mɪl][ˈwɔ:tə mil]


  • Using IC Anaerobic reactor Treatment Waste Water in the Paper mill

    采用IC厌氧反应器处理 制浆 造纸 工厂 废水

  • Bring provisions and water to the mill and we 'd distribute .

    把食物和 拿到 工厂 下面,我们会分配好一切。

  • It includes three parts : RTU distributed on city water pipe first-level monitor centre in headquaters second-level monitor centre in water mill .

    整个系统由分布在城市供水管网的远程站点、位于总公司的一级监控中心,以及位于 水厂的二级监控 系统三部分组成。

  • A pond formed by damming a stream to provide a head of water to turn a mill wheel .

    通过筑堤坝蓄水成池并提供 水力来转动 水车

  • Every Miller draws water to his own mill .

    人人为自己的利益 着想或行事。

  • This paper briefly introduces some measures to waste water treatment of hydrometallurgical mill of Uranium Mine No.

    本文扼要介绍了七五四矿 水冶 废水治理中采取的一些措施。

  • Studied based on the best orthogonal experimental program to optimized the both sizing also increase since the dosage of PAC increase when papermaking with tap water and paper mill white water respectively .

    在最佳正交实验方案的基础上,对实验方案进行了优化,随着后加PAC用量的增加,用 自来水 纸厂白水分别抄片,其施胶度也分别增加。

  • Study on the Recovery and Application of Condensated Water in Oil Mill of Solvent Extraction

    浸出 油厂蒸汽凝结 回收利用的研究二氧化硫浸出软锰矿

  • Physico-Chemical Characteristics of DCS in the Process Water of Newsprint Mill

    新闻 纸厂过程 用水DCS的物化特性与化学控制

  • Treatment of the Waste Water from a Mill Producing Bleached Kraft Reed Pulp

    漂白硫酸盐苇浆 制浆 废水的处理

  • Every miller draws water to his own mill . The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society .

    ((谚))人人为自己的利益 着想或行事。爱国行为是 自觉自愿的、具有利他性的、具体的社会行为。

  • If we assume the US economy to be a huge water mill its credit expansion is the flow of water .

    如果我们把美国经济比喻成大型 磨坊,其信贷扩张就是水流。

  • Direct determination of calcium and magnesium in purified salt water of soda mill using EDTA

    用EDTA直接测定纯碱 精制 盐水中的钙和镁

  • A watercourse that feeds water into a mill water wheel or turbine . hydrographic office

    引水渠道将 送入 磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道航道测量局水文局水道测量部

  • Different methods for extracting sericin from cocoon-cooking water and waste water in silk mill were compared .

    介绍利用煮茧水及缫丝 的废液提取丝胶的方法,分析不同方法对丝胶的制取及 溶性的影响。

  • Study on automatic control and simulation of the feeding ore and water system of ball mill

    球磨机给矿 给水系统的自动控制与仿真研究

  • Firstly the characteristics of white water from tissue paper mill were analyzed in this paper and the coagulation treatment of this wastewater was studied .

    本论文首先对生活用纸 造纸的基本特性进行了分析,探讨了几种絮凝剂处理该废水的效果。

  • The physico-chemical characteristics of DCS in the process water of newsprint mill using DIP TMP and GP were investigated .

    探讨了以DIP、TMP和GP为原浆的新闻 纸厂过程 水中溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的物化特性,并对阳离子型絮凝剂和阴离子垃圾捕集剂去除DCS的适应性和效率进行了评价。

  • A channel that feeds water to a mill or water wheel or turbine .

    一种把 输到 磨房或水轮或涡轮的渠道。

  • In this paper some impurities including dissolved and colloidal substances ( DCS ) of process water in newsprint mill are analyzed and the efficiency of DAF in DCS removal is evaluated .

    对新闻 纸厂过程 用水溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的来源进行了分析,并对气浮池去除DCS的效率进行了评价。

  • Reappearance of Yellow River culture and human scene overall planning of Lanzhou Water Mill Park

    黄河文化与人文景观的再现&兰州 水车公园总体规划设计

  • Clarifying Efficiency of Recycled Process Water in Newsprint Mill

    新闻 纸厂循环 用水净化效率的分析

  • Laboratory results of the treatment of pulping black liquor washing and bleaching waste water of a mill producing bleached kraft reed pulp were presented .

    讨论了漂白硫酸盐苇浆 制浆黑液和中段 废水的实验室处理结果。

  • Rural Water Mill in the orchard Zhao geld horses found near the type of culture may be living off their sites .

    在果园乡赵家 水磨附近发现的骟马类型的文化,可能就是他们居住过的遗址。

  • Application of MBR on Treatment of in-Process Water in Paper Mill

    膜生物反应技术用于 造纸过程 处理

  • Test study on treating and reusing of waste water from steel mill

    钢厂综合 废水处理回用试验研究

  • Application of Biological Contact Oxidation Biological Carbon Fluidized Bed in the Deep Treatment of Dye Printing Waste Water of Woolen Mill

    生物接触氧化&生物炭流化床在 毛纺印染 废水深度处理中的应用

  • According to coagulation theory the coagulating pretreatment of the process water in a newsprint mill was carried out .

    本文根据絮凝基本理论知识,以我国南方某造纸 造纸 车间DAF出口处的过程 作为试验原水进行了絮凝预处理试验。

  • A182yr . old restored water wheel powered mill and museum .

    有182年的历史,是一所重修的 水车动力 磨坊和博物馆。

  • Once the flow of water stops or even slows down the water mill that is the economy will stop moving .

    一旦水流减慢或停止, 磨坊,即经济将停止运转。