

[医] 犁[骨]鼻骨的

  • The vomeronasal cartilage is J - shaped in cross - section .


  • The vomeronasal organ located between the nose and mouth usually detects others ' pheromones . Although it is still unclear how they work pheromones are thought to signal sexual arousal and increase attraction towards appropriate partners .

    位于鼻子和嘴之间的 器能够检测他人的信息素,虽然它的作用机制仍不明确,但信息素能引起性兴奋,提升两性之间的吸引力。

  • Observation on microstructure of vomeronasal system of Cricetulus barabensis Microtus mandarinus Apodemus peninsulae

    黑线仓鼠、棕色田鼠和大林姬鼠 系统的显微结构观察

  • Microstructure Comparison of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Organs in Four Amphibians and Reptiles

    )雅各布逊 器4种两栖爬行动物嗅器和 的显微结构比较

  • The olfactory organ and vomeronasal organ are the most important chemistry sense organs in anura . They play important roles in feeding reproduction predator avoidance and so on .

    嗅器和 器是无尾两栖类最重要的嗅化学感受器,对觅食、繁殖及逃避敌害等方面有着重要的作用。

  • Mammals have two distinct well-developed olfactory systems : the main olfactory system ( MOS ) and the vomeronasal system ( VS ) .

    哺乳动物具有两套嗅觉系统,即主要嗅觉系统和 系统。

  • In order to compare the functions of main olfactory system of mammals and accessory olfactory system and to probe physiologic function of vomeronasal system of human beings in detail it is necessary to study vomeronasal system further using new methods .

    对此要用新的研究方法对犁鼻系统的功能作进一步研究,以便和主要嗅觉系统在社会行为中的作用进行比较,进而 精细地探讨人类 系统的生理机能。

  • Morphological study on the vomeronasal organ complex in buffaloes

    水牛 器复合体的形态学研究

  • Histological Structure of the Vomeronasal Organs and Accessory Olfactory Bulbs of Male Mandarin Voles ( Microtus mandarinus ) at Different Postnatal Ages

    棕色田鼠雄性幼体不同发育期 器和副嗅球的组织结构

  • The main results are as follows : 1 . The structure of accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ of Gansu zokor are similar to the root vole .

    甘肃鼢鼠与根田鼠 器、副嗅球的结构相似。

  • It is shown that the difference of the structure of vomeronasal system is related with environment and reproduction behavior in rodent .

    通过对这两种 结构的比较, 说明 系统的结构差异与鼠类的 生活环境和繁殖行为有关。

  • Currently among the research areas in neuro-pathway of olfactory communication in rodents main olfactory system vomeronasal system and their olfactory communication functions are still the focal points .

    目前,在对啮齿动物嗅觉通讯神经通路的研究中,对主嗅觉系统和 系统在动物嗅觉通讯中的作用仍将是人们研究的重点;

  • Many animals including mice rabbits and pigs have a special organ called the vomeronasal organ ( VNO ) .

    许多动物,包括老鼠、兔子和猪等,都有一个很特殊的器官,称之为 器。

  • Accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ of root vole is sexually dimorphic .

    根田鼠 、副嗅球 结构存在性二型现象。

  • The vomeronasal nerve of male and female buffalo on the nasal septum submucosa had been revealed different number of nervous fibers .

    发现公、母水牛的 神经在鼻中隔粘膜下层伸延的纤维束数目不同。

  • So even though these mice can touch the rat and see it breathing without the vomeronasal organ system mice don 't respond fearfully .

    所以纵使这些缺乏 器的小鼠能触碰到大鼠,看到它在呼吸,也并不害怕。

  • In contrast the mice without functioning vomeronasal organs appeared to be curious about the cotton balls and demonstrated few signs of fear .

    相比之下, 器无功能的小鼠表现出对棉球的好奇,也很少有害怕的表现。

  • In contrast to normal mice those without vomeronasal organs showed few signs of fear .

    与正常鼠不同的是,缺乏 器的小鼠很少恐惧。

  • Coding Patterns of the Main Olfactory System and the Vomeronasal System for Information Recognition in Mammals

    哺乳动物主要嗅觉系统和 系统信息识别的编码模式

  • No report of terminal nerve and vomeronasal nerve in buffalo with anatomical description was found .

    水牛的终神经和 神经的解剖情况, 至今 未见有报道。