


  • Explain further only pay attention to these problems then can develop the meaning of warming-up exercise fully .

    进一步说明只有重视这些问题,才能充分发挥 准备活动的意义。

  • Methods of students ' leading warming-up exercises in event-related classes and an analysis of the result

    体育专业课学生领 准备 活动 实施方法与效果分析

  • Study on the Warming-up Exercise in the Police College Catching and Grappling Course

    对警察院校擒拿格斗教学 准备活动的探析

  • Under steady-state and transient state conditions efficiency and warming-up time of flat plate water collectors are calculated .

    本文提出了在稳态和瞬态条件下,平板型水集热器的效率及其 预热时间的计算。

  • Most of the relevant literature and more emphasis on the type of preparatory activities and activities of the organization but not related to the physiological load warming-up study of the quantitative criteria .

    大部分相关文献资料多着重强调准备活动的组织类型和活动方式,但还没有涉及到 准备 活动生理负荷的量化标准的研究。

  • Specifying a sizable number of initial agents while not necessary can accelerate the warming-up period .

    指定初始代理程序数目要合适(尽管并非必要条件),这可以缩短“ 热身 时间。

  • Combining with the characteristics of martial arts it suggests some Precautionary measures from four aspects : warming-up exercise sport load self-protection and physique aiming to offer reference for the coming training .

    并结合武术运动的特点,从 准备 活动、运动负荷、自我保护及身体素质等方面,提出了预防武术套路中 运动 损伤的措施,旨在为今后的 运动训练提供参考依据。

  • I can hear her warming-up bellowing like a siren through the scales .

    我能听见她 每天 暖身,就像一个动人歌声的海妖在那儿唱歌。

  • Warming-up is an indispensably important link of boy football selective course in colleges and universities .

    准备 活动是普通高校男生足球专选课中不可缺少的重要环节。

  • The sprinters are in their lanes now . They are doing up some warming-up exercises .

    运动员已经上跑道了,他们要做 准备活动。

  • Results According to different situation of fracture patient the folding splint 's length can be adjusted avoided complicated warming-up reduced treatment time and improved effect .

    结果:本夹板可以根据患者骨折的不同情况选择夹板的长度,从而避免了需要 预先 准备 大量 夹板的繁琐,缩短了对患者的救治时间,提高了 救治效果。

  • An Analysis on the Psychological Condition of Students ' Carrying on Different Kinds of Warming-up Exercises in the Volleyball Lesson

    排球课中进行不同类型 准备活动学生的心理状态浅析

  • Warming-up is important and safety is vital .

    热身 运动是重要的,安全也是至关重要的。

  • Study on Effect in Improving the Shanshou Athletes skills Made by Using the Warming-up of Statics Stretch ;

    动力拉伸和 静力拉伸方法的生理学机制不同,因此,在拉伸效果方面 存在着差异。

  • According to some existent phenomenons of physical education put forward ample knowledge the meaning of warming-up exercise ;

    针对体育课存在的一些现象,提出充分认识 准备活动的意义;

  • The warming-up exercise is the important component of sports teaching science overall rational arrangement warming-up exercise help arousing the enthusiasm of student and initiative make the good teaching result .


  • Before gymnastics you should firstly Warming-up the followings actions that can cause blood unimpeded loose muscle and not sprain while gymnastics .

    开始做操作前先 以下 准备动作,使血液畅通,肌肉松驰,做操时不致扭伤。

  • Inadequate warming-up partial overloading and breach of rules are main reasons for injury .

    准备 活动不充分、局部负荷过大和犯规是造成损伤的主要原因。

  • A Brief Discussion on Warming-up Exercise in Rhythmic Gymnastics Teaching and Training

    浅谈艺术体操教学与训练的 准备活动

  • Some people maintain that warming-up promotes flexibility and prevents muscle injury .

    有人认为 准备 活动可以增进柔韧性,并防止肌肉受伤。

  • Generally speaking basketball physical fitness training consists of3 sections that warming-up stretching and relaxation .

    篮球运动体能训练的 准备一般包括一般性 热身 运动、伸展运动及放松 运动3个环节。

  • In weightlifting warming-up is helpful to promote flexibility and prevent muscle injury .

    在举重运动中, 准备 活动有助于增进柔韧性,防止肌肉受伤。

  • Warming-up Exercise in Sports Teaching

    体育教学中的 准备活动

  • Also we 'll conduct warming-up small group conversation impromptu practise and repertoire choreography analysis during every workshop .

    堂课 依次进行 热身、小组对话、即兴练习、剧团常备剧目编舞艺术分析。

  • Testing study on body-building exercises of warming-up exercises in college physical education classes

    高校体育课 准备 活动开展健身操教学的实验研究

  • In ball game lessons warming-up activities play an important role in fulfilling the tasks of the lesson successfully .

    球类课的 准备活动对顺利完成课程的目标有着重要的作用。

  • The 6-month dancesport of moderate intensity were given in the exercise group and the exercise prescription consisted of three parts : warming-up formal exercise and warming-down phases .

    对运动组进行为期6个月的中等强度体育舞蹈锻炼,运动处方包括3部分: 准备活动阶段、正式运动阶段和整理活动阶段。

  • Whether warming-up exercises are successful or not decides the good or bad effect of physical education teaching and training .

    准备 活动的成功与否是体育教学和训练效果好坏的 条件

  • After warming-up exercises the teacher told us the way of long jump and showed us how to do it .

    经过 热身运动之后,老师告诉我们跳远的方法,也向我们展示了如何做跳远运动。