


  • Effects of process parameters on the warpage of gas assisted injection molded part

    工艺参数对气辅注射制品 翘曲的影响

  • Warpage of Three-Dimensional Multi-Chip Module Based on Embedded Substrate

    基于埋置式基板的三维多芯片组件的 翘曲研究

  • Research of Residual Stresses and Warpage of Plastic Injection Molding Based on Surface Model

    基于表面模型的塑料注射成型残余应力与 翘曲 变形研究

  • Semiconductor analysis with ANSYS tools often incorporates nonlinear behaviors including package warpage solder joint creep fracture in through-silicon-via designs fatigue and delimitation .

    利用ANSYS工具,可以分析半导体的非线性特性,其中包括封装 变形、焊接点蠕变以及过孔设计中的断裂、疲劳和层间开裂。

  • Warpage is one of the most crucial problems during the injection molding process for its great effect on product quality .

    塑料射出成型制程中, 产品 翘曲 变形 的大小是影响产品质量的主要因素之一。

  • Simulation on curing warpage deformation of composite T-shaped integrated structure

    复合材料T型整体化结构固化 翘曲变形模拟

  • The principle of precompensation for deformation was presented which was applied to the shaping of an automobile fan and effectively helped lower the shrinkage deformation and warpage of the product .

    介绍了变形预补偿的原理,以汽车风扇为例,成功地降低了汽车风扇的收缩变形和 翘曲 变形,为解决制品 变形 问题提供了一条新的思路。

  • Research on the thermal stress and warpage of WLCSP device

    晶圆尺寸级封装器件的热应力及 翘曲 变形

  • Curing Shrinkage and Warpage Deformation of Composite Thin Laminates at Room Temperature

    复合材料薄层板常温固化收缩及 翘曲变形 肯纳薄锡层 镀锡钢板

  • Surface smoothness and low warpage .

    表面平滑,低 翘曲性。

  • It was found that the residual stress and warpage could be predicted well by the proposed simulation .

    通过实例对比分析证明,提出的数值模拟方法能较好地预测 制品应力与 变形

  • A predictive model for warpage is created using feed forward artificial neural network exploiting finite element analysis results .

    建立了使用有限元分析结果的具有提前输入(功能)的人造神经网络的 扭曲预制模型。

  • Finite element simulation analysis on warpage after solidifying process of PBGA

    PBGA固化后 产生 翘曲的有限元模拟分析

  • It has improved surface aesthetics excellent dimensional stability and low warpage characteristics .

    它改善了 冲击性和良好的加工特性。

  • Testing methods for warpage of refractory bricks

    耐火砖 翘曲测定方法

  • An optimized ram speed profile fully uses the friction heat to keep the best flow characteristics which corrects many of the fill and warpage problems .

    最适化螺杆速度充分运用摩擦热,将 流保持在最佳状态。许多充填和 翘曲的问题也就迎刃而解。

  • Grid Algorithm Based on Approximate Function for Injection Warpage Optimization

    基于近似函数的注塑 翘曲优化网格算法

  • The step to analyze warpage deformation by CAE is given with air condition damper vane as example .

    用有限元方法研究了温度 压力 注塑 残余应力 翘曲变形的影响。

  • Experimental Study on Warpage of Flat Part with Reinforced Rib by Gas-assisted Injection Molding

    气体辅助注塑成型带加强筋平板的 翘曲试验研究

  • Uneven hardening with the formation of soft spots increases warpage .

    淬火不均 部件上将出现软点,增加 翘曲 可能性

  • Most Effective Factors Affecting Warpage of Injection Molded Parts

    注塑制品 翘曲 变形的最显著影响因素

  • Effect of Packing Parameters on Warpage of Moulded Part during Injection Moulding Why are vents used on injection moulds ?

    注塑成型保压参数对 翘曲 变形的影响为什么在注塑成型模具中使用排气槽?

  • Quality optimization and analysis of warpage of injection molding parts based on small the best characteristic

    基于 小特性的注塑产品 翘曲质量优选及分析

  • It produces moldings with good surface finish is resistant to chemicals and stress cracking and has low shrinkage and warpage .

    它生产的模具表面光洁度好,可耐化学品和应力开裂,并具有低收缩和 翘曲

  • Warpage of Parts : Uneven surface temperature of the molds .


  • According to the statistical results the injection time is the most important affecting factor on warpage .

    结果表明,注射时间对 注塑 翘曲 变形的影响最大。

  • The shaped errors have many forms including warpage deformation Stair-stepping effect and so on in fused deposition modeling ( FDM ) .

    在熔融堆积成形制造中,形状误差有 翘曲变形、台阶效应等形式。

  • Research on Process Characteristic of High-gloss Surface Part Injection Technology : Warpage Shrinkage and Sink Index

    高光注射成型工艺特性研究: 翘曲、收缩与沉降指数

  • The theory of the Newton ring method is analyzed and the chip warpage is measured by use of the Newton ring method .

    分析了牛顿环法的测量原理,利用牛顿环法对芯片 翘曲 进行了测量。

  • In this study optimum values of process parameters in injection molding of a bus ceiling lamp base to achieve minimum warpage are determined .

    在该论文中,确定了在公共汽车吊灯座的喷射造型法中,获得最小 扭曲过程参数的优化值。