


  • The audience warmly applauded the performers .

    观众向演员们 热烈鼓掌。

  • The whole nation warmly acclaimed the opening of the congress .

    全国 人民 欢呼代表大会的召开。

  • It 's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold .

    天冷了要穿得 一点儿,这是常识。

  • The boxes warmly applauded the famous violinist .

    包厢内的观众为那位著名的小提琴家 热烈鼓掌。

  • The story is warmly human .

    这故事很有人 情味

  • He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship .

    热情 称赞了两位领导人的政治家风范。

  • Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat

    马库斯戴着一顶羊毛帽子, 非常 暖和

  • People warmly welcome the return with full honours of the delegation .

    人们 热烈欢迎代表团满载而归。

  • He warmly praised them for their bravery .


  • They warmly acclaimed the winner of the race .

    他们 跑第一的人 热烈欢呼。

  • The distinguished guests were warmly welcomed with singing and dancing .

    人们载歌载舞 热烈欢迎贵宾。

  • I met her in the street the day before yesterday and she greeted me warmly .

    前天我在街上碰见她时,她很 热情 和我打招呼。

  • You should warmly encourage and welcome such comrades .

    对于这种同志,我们应 给予 热情的鼓励和欢迎。

  • We warmly welcome your visit to our company to learn more about us and our products .

    我们 热烈欢迎您访问我们的公司更多地了解我们和我们的产品。

  • We will be satisfied with the quality and reliability of services warmly welcome your visit .

    定货。我们将以可靠的质量和满意的服务 热忱欢迎你的光顾。

  • We warmly welcome you and your distinguished delegation to Wales .

    我们 热烈欢迎你们和你们尊贵的代表团来访咸尔士。

  • He shook hands warmly with us .

    他和我们 热情 握手。

  • I warmly congratulate you on your successful performance .

    对你们成功的演出,我 表示 热烈的祝贺。

  • It 's cold and you should cover up warmly .

    天冷,你要穿 暖和

  • I warmly welcomed his proposal .


  • She later wrote warmly of his bearing and behaviour .

    后来她以 饱含 热情 笔触写到了他的举止和行为。

  • The audience at once greeted him warmly .

    观众立即对他作出了 热情 反应

  • They are disputing warmly .

    他们正在 热烈 讨论着。

  • He wrung my hand warmly .


  • She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly

    她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子, 热情 拥抱他。

  • I warmly congratulated him on the marvellous achievement .
