war cry

[wɔr kraɪ][wɔ: krai]


  • And first appeared in the army officers and men togo to war for ancient drums cry gold ( Gong ) retreat .

    锣鼓最早出现于军队,古代将士以击鼓出兵 作战鸣金(打锣) 收兵

  • Demanding a capital stake in a troubled company may seem like an odd thing to do at the height of the worst recession since the Second World War but for German workers it is fast becoming a powerful rallying cry .

    战后最严重的经济衰退达到顶峰之际,要求获得一家困境公司的部分资本股权看上去可能有些奇怪,但对于德国工人而言,这正迅速成为一句强有力的战斗 口号

  • Knights yelled out their war cry before their fight in the past .


  • He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions shouting the war cry .

    到了辎重营,军兵刚出到战场, 呐喊

  • Lua is a scripting language popular among games such as World of Warcraft Dawn of War and Far Cry .

    Lua是一个流行于很多游戏中的脚本语言,如魔兽世界、 战争黎明和 孤岛 惊魂

  • Even when I am gone I shall remain in people 's minds the star of their rights my name will be the war cry of their efforts the motto of their hopes .

    即使我死了,我也将成为代表人们权利之星光,留在他们心中,我的名字将成为他们所付努力 呼唤,他们希望寄托之箴言。

  • Since I am the Scowling Knight can I have no war cry ?

    我既然是愁容骑士,哪能没有 呢。

  • During the famous battles of the 1980s the war cry of the anti-monetarists was What about velocity ?

    在上世纪80年代著名的论战期间,反货币主义者的 斗争 口号是那速度呢?