


  • I cannot imagine paradise without this Gentile washwoman . I cannot even imagine a world where there is no reward for such effort .

    我无法想象天堂中少了这位外邦 洗衣 工会是什么 ,我更不敢想象对 妇人这样的努力没有任何回报的人间会是什么样。

  • It was a point of honour with the washwoman to return the wash to its rightful owner .

    对那个 洗衣 来说把所洗的 衣物 还给 原主是个信誉问题。

  • But this washwoman small and thin as she was possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant forebears .

    然而这个 洗衣 虽然又瘦又小,却具有世代当庄稼汉的祖辈所传下来的一 力气。