



  • I 've read the warrant you swore out .

    我已经看了你发出的 拘捕 了。

  • I will warrant him an honest and reliable man .


  • No matter was too small to warrant his attention .

    再小的事也会 引起他的注意。

  • We 've got a warrant for your arrest .

    我们取得了逮捕你的 授权

  • He had no warrant for his action .

    他没有 理由 那样做。

  • The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect .

    法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了 逮捕

  • The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation

    这些指控很严重,有 必要进行一番调查。

  • We may need a warrant this time .

    这次可能需要 搜查 了。

  • If she shows her face again back in Massachusetts she 'll find a warrant for her arrest waiting

    如果她重又在马萨诸塞州露面,等待她的将是一 拘捕

  • I have a warrant for your arrest .

    我有一 你的逮捕

  • I assume you have a warrant ?

    我猜你是带了 搜查 了吧?

  • You got the warrant to search the law offices ?

    你拿到了 搜查那律师办公室的 特许了吗?

  • But it 's cause for a warrant .

    但是却可以给我们一个 搜查 了。

  • Police confirmed that they had issued a warrant for his arrest .


  • Equipment is allocated by warrant .

    设备已经按照 令状分配好了。

  • I got a warrant from the judge .

    我得到法官的 批准

  • You get a warrant yet ?

    你弄到 搜查 了吗?

  • I got a warrant here for you and your sons .

    我有 证据 证明你和你的儿子们。

  • We have a warrant now .

    我们现在有 搜查 了。

  • There is some warrant for holding back on full-scale aid .


  • But it was enough for a search warrant .

    但是它已经足够我申请一张搜查 了。

  • He will be your warrant .

    他将是你的 保证人。

  • The contract warrants that an experienced person is on board all the time .

    合同 确保一位富有经验的人会一直呆在船上。

  • All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work

    所有参赛者必须 保证其参赛作品完全是自己创作的。

  • I got a warrant for your arrest .

    我有逮捕你的 令状

  • The police must have a search warrant to search a house .

    警察要搜查一座房子必须有 搜查

  • By accusing the King of murder he signed his own death warrant .

    他指控国王谋杀,从而让自己走上了 绝路

  • Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat .

    警察们持搜查 进入了那所公寓。

  • His wealth doesn 't warrant his rude behaviour .

    他的富有并不能 证明他的无礼行为是 正当的。