watch fire

[wɑtʃ faɪr][wɔtʃ ˈfaiə]


  • During the last watch of the night the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion .

    到了 更的时候,耶和华从云 火柱中向埃及的军兵 观看,使埃及的军兵混乱了;

  • It is necessary to guard against a possible attack so that we shall not be obliged to watch every night or to keep up a fire .

    我们必须对于可能遭到的进攻有防备,这样就不需要每晚 守夜或是 生火了。

  • Watch the dancing is fire and look the wind is blowing .

    ,舞出来是 ,抬起头是风。

  • People from another building watch firefighters extinguish a fire on an apartment building in downtown Shanghai on Monday Nov.15 .

    从另一个建筑上 观看消防队员扑灭人们在周一2010年11月15号在上海闹市区的公寓楼 发生 火灾

  • If you go to southern states watch out for fire ants .

    如果你去南方各州, 小心 火蚁

  • Watch out the swines have called the fire brigade .

    注意,这猪叫了 消防队。

  • Watch out for the fire or you 'll get burnt .


  • Watch as fire smolders at the bullet-ridden Red Mosque complex .

    现在, 大火正在红色 清真寺内燃烧。

  • The second prisoner waited under the trees with two men to watch him . Suddenly the prisoner turned and ran . The two men ran after him but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening .

    另一个俘虏在树下等候,留有两个人 看守,突然,这个俘虏转身就跑,两个人在后面追赶,但其余的野人围着 忙着,并没有看见发生的事。

  • Team seven to the flank ; watch triangulation and fire .

    第七队从 侧翼成三角形 开火

  • The original linkage of fire control equipment are all individuals in other places such as residential areas schools and factories . The alarm information should be handled by watch . Human factor plays a very important role in the fire alarm of buildings .

    但在居民住宅区,学校,工厂等地,原有的消防监控联动设备彼此独立,其报警信息需要经过 值班人员的人工处理,人为因素对建筑 火灾的预警起到了非常重要的作用。

  • And suggest that the Bank of Communications Jilin branch risk keeps watch the short-term target that system builds is bad lessening assets proportion the risk digesting the history financial affairs parcel running administration building-up strictly inward oversees the fire prevention wall .

    并提出交通银行吉林省分行风险 防范体系建设的短期目标是降低不良资产比例、消化历史财务包、严格内部运行管理、建立风险监管 防火墙

  • People gather to watch an apartment building that was destroyed by fire while flowers and wreaths are placed around in the downtown area of Shanghai on Nov.17 .

    人们聚集在 一起观看了公寓楼毁于 火灾,而鲜花和花圈放置在市中心周围地区的上海11月17日,2010。

  • This is both more historical and much more fun to watch than CA 's normal single rank fire .

    这既是历史的和更有趣得多 比CA的正常单级

  • The minutes ticked by from the round watch in Ennis 's pocket from the sticks in the fire settling into coals .

    听得埃尼斯口袋里的 怀表滴答作响,只见 火堆里的木头渐渐燃成木炭。

  • Watch out for smoldering fire !

    小心暗火,谨防 火灾

  • Recently with the development of automatic rotary computer hardware software and digital image processing technology the computer has been replacing the people to watch the fire in the production process of rotary kiln .

    近年来,随着回转窑自动控制水平、计算机软硬件及数字图像处理技术的不断发展,在回转窑生产中计算机 正在逐渐取代或辅助人工

  • In this photo released by China 's Xinhua news agency spectators watch an apartment building on fire in the downtown area of Shanghai on Monday Nov.15 .

    在由中国新华社发布的照片,观众 观看在上海闹市区 着火星期一2010年11月15日的公寓楼。

  • And the watch fire under stars and sleep and the road again .

    以及星星之下的 营火道路和睡梦。

  • An undercover investigation by China Labor Watch at the Suqian plant last month found that fire exits were locked and that flammable aluminum-magnesium alloy dust and shavings filled the air and littered the floors of some workshops .

    中国劳工 观察上个月对这家工厂的卧底调查发现,工厂的 消防通道上了锁,一些车间的空气中和地板上,满是易燃的铝镁合金粉尘和废料。

  • Even if I were just planning to use Google Maps on my phone it was still faster to ask the watch and allow it to instantly display a map and fire up navigation .

    尽管我本来就打算使用手机上的谷歌地图,但是询问 手表、让它立刻显示出地图并 开始导航,还是更快一些。