waste heat boiler

[west hit ˈbɔɪlɚ][weist hi:t ˈbɔɪlə]


  • Design and Development of Waste Heat Boiler of Wet Gas Sulphuric Acid ( WSA ) Unit

    WSA湿烟气制酸装置 废热 锅炉的设计开发

  • The design of a waste heat boiler as well as methods concerning the ash deposit abrasion and flue gas leakage for the petrochemistrys catalytic cracking process are introduced .

    阐述了一台利用石化行业催化裂解装置废气的 余热 锅炉设计过程,重点介绍解决锅炉积灰、磨损和漏烟问题的方法。

  • Rational arrangement and design of water cycling system was important to the safe operation of the waste heat boiler .

    水循环回路的合理布置和设计对 余热 锅炉的安全运行具有重要意义。

  • Inspection maintenance and chemical cleaning of waste heat boiler

    余热 锅炉的检验检修及化学清洗除垢

  • The main design parameters of waste heat boiler with heat tube are calculated and economic analysis of its different use is carried out .

    对热管 余热 锅炉主要参数进行了设计计算,并对不同用途方案进行了经济分析。

  • Application of Waste Heat Boiler Technology in Dust Collecting System from the Fourth Opening of the Electric Furnace

    余热 锅炉技术在电炉第4孔除尘系统中的应用

  • Field test results of paraformaldehyde waste heat boiler and methanol mixed gas heater of transversally corrugated tube are reported .

    本文报道了横纹管(TransversallyCorrugatedTube,简称TC管)甲醛 废热 锅炉及甲醇混合气加热器的开发与应用。

  • The Study of Coke Dry Quenching Waste Heat Boiler Drum Level Control System

    干熄焦 余热 锅炉汽包液位控制系统的研究

  • Research of coke combustion in waste heat boiler of ethylene device

    乙烯装置 废热 锅炉焦炭燃烧过程的研究

  • Cause Analysis and Prevention Measures of Low-Temperature Corrosion of Flash Furnace Waste Heat Boiler

    闪速炉 余热 锅炉低温腐蚀原因分析及防止措施

  • The R & D of 3D Software to Heating Surface of the Waste Heat Boiler for Heat Furnace Design Based on Solid Edge

    基于Solidedge的三维加热炉 余热 锅炉受热面设计软件的开发

  • This paper introduced 24m ~ 2 zinc fluidized roaster waste heat boiler 's structure and plan .

    本文介绍了我厂24m2锌焙烧沸腾炉 余热 锅炉在结构及配置等方面进行改进前后的不同状况。

  • CO firing waste heat boiler

    一氧化碳燃烧 废热 锅炉

  • Application of New Technology of 3.0Mt/a Heavy Oil Catalytic Unit Waste Heat Boiler

    300万吨/年重油催化装置 余热 锅炉新技术应用

  • Heat-tube waste heat boiler applied in improvement of fume exhaust system of electric furnace

    热管 余热 锅炉在电炉内排烟系统改造工程中的应用

  • Optimum Design and Stress Analysis of Structure of Middle Pressure Waste Heat Boiler ; The Research of the Excess Stock Management in the Process of Pressure Vessel Manufacture

    中压 余热 锅炉 结构的优化设计及应力分析压力容器生产制造过程中的余料管理技术研究

  • Finite Element Stress Analysis for Structure of Waste Heat Boiler Tube Sheet in Sulfur Recovery Device

    硫磺回收装置之 废热 锅炉管板结构有限元应力分析

  • Three-element drum level control of waste heat boiler equipped for Jinlong Copper 's converter furnace

    金隆铜业转炉 废热 锅炉汽包液位三冲量控制

  • Synthetic Ammonia Waste Heat Boiler Repairment and Safety Control Measures

    合成氨 废热 锅炉的修复及安全监控措施

  • The exhaust energy of the turbine is used to generate steam in the waste heat boiler .

    透平排气能量在 余热 锅炉中生产蒸汽。

  • This paper briefly describes the features and the service condition related to water-level control of waste heat boiler steam drum for tilting furnace in the Guixi Smelter .

    简述了贵溪冶炼厂倾动炉 余热 锅炉汽包水位控制的有关特点和使用情况。

  • Boiling out practice of smelter waste heat boiler of Saindak copper-gold project in Pakistan

    巴基斯坦山达克铜金工程冶炼厂 余热 锅炉煮炉实践

  • The design of the CO combustor in the revamp of waste heat boiler of FCC unit of a refinery was modified based upon the commercial operation experience .

    介绍了某炼油厂催化裂化装置 余热 锅炉技术改造中CO燃烧炉的设计改进情况。

  • DCS Application to Automatic Water-feeding System of Copper-smelting Waste Heat Boiler

    DCS在铜冶炼 余热 锅炉自动给水系统中的应用

  • Numerical analysis of heat transfer in gasifier radiation and waste heat boiler interface bracket

    气化炉与辐射 接口托架传热的数值分析

  • Since the ammonium nitrate plant put into operation whole production line shuts down many times due to the fault of the waste heat boiler . Technology of waste incineration and two stage reciprocating grate

    黑化硝铵厂合成氨系统投产二十年以来,由于转化二段炉出口 废热 锅炉故障造成多次系统全线停车。垃圾焚烧二段式往复炉排的工艺技术

  • Cause Analysis and Treatment of Fume Temperature Over Lowering at Waste Heat Boiler Outlet for Sulfur-based Sulfuric Acid

    硫磺制酸 余热 锅炉出口烟温过低的原因分析与处理

  • The localized design and performance analysis of gas turbine exhaust diffuser determine the performance of whole gas turbine exhaust system and the safety of waste heat boiler .

    燃气轮机排气扩散器的国产化设计、性能分析等关系到整个燃机运行的性能,以及后续 余热 锅炉的安全运行。

  • Usage : Apply proper amount onto face and other desired part gently massage to float dirt wipe it off with napkin or rinse off with clear water . INSPECTION MAINTENANCE AND CHEMICAL CLEANING OF WASTE HEAT BOILER

    使用方法:取本品适量均匀于面部及所需部位,轻揉至污垢浮现,再以面纸拭净或以清水洗净。 余热 锅炉的检验检修及化学清洗除垢