


v.弄弯,变歪( warp的现在分词 )使(行为等)不合情理,使乖戾,

  • Application of Nonparametric Projection Pursuit Regression in Prediction of Dam Land Sedimentation of Warping Dam

    非参数投影寻踪回归在 淤地坝坝地淤积预测中的应用

  • Clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use .

    当木制球拍不用时防止 变形的夹子。

  • It includes such operations as contrast enhancement cropping scaling geometric warping and frequency domain processing .

    它包括的操作有对比度增强、剪切、缩放、几何 弯曲和频率范围处理。

  • Down Warping and Crack Genetic Analysis and Reinforce Research for the Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with Long-span and High Piers

    高墩大跨混凝土连续刚构桥下 与开裂成因分析及加固研究

  • It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim

    原本应当能够防止雨水把门的饰边 的。

  • And wet areas due to expansion caused by wood fiber tube warping and cracking phenomenon of wood .

    以及潮湿地区因木材纤维管膨胀所引起木材 和裂缝现象。

  • The new image warping method can deal with multi reference images without depth information .

    该方法可以在完全无需深度信息的情况下处理多幅参考图像的 可见性问题。

  • Good abrasion resistance resistant to rush low warping .

    良好耐磨性,高抗冲,低 翘曲

  • Design of network production monitoring and control system of warping machine

    网络化 机生产监控系统的软件设计

  • Classification of Voltage Disturbances Based on Mathematical Morphology and Dynamic Time Warping

    基于数学形态学与动态时间 扭曲的电压扰动分类

  • Thus the insulator can be prevented from warping in the welding process .

    这样,能防止绝缘本体在 端子焊接过程中发生 翘曲

  • Study on Head Warping and Control for Plate Rolling

    中厚板轧制轧件头部 弯曲及其控制的研究

  • The desilting and warping work on certain sections of the Yellow River is very important .

    黄河河段的 放淤、清淤工作十分重要。

  • This paper focused on the mechanism of consolidation of warping clay under permeable pressure in the cracks of blanket .

    针对渗透力作用下黏土铺盖裂缝的 固结问题,对其固结机理进行阐述。

  • The sun attracts Earth by warping the spacetime around it .

    太阳就是 扭曲其周围的时空,来吸引住地球。

  • PZ300 series of weaving warping machine is mainly used for adjusting axes workmanship of webbing .

    PZ300型织带整 机,用于织带机经轴的整经工艺。

  • The yarns must be parallel and under uniform tension . This then is the purpose of warping .

    纱线必须相互平行,且张力均匀,这就是 的目的。

  • The first is the geodetic effect which is the warping of space and time or spacetime around a gravitational body such as a planet .

    第一个是“测地线效应”,这是一种在有引力的天体,比如行星周围,产生的空间和时间的 扭曲或者说时空扭曲现象。

  • Study on Time Series Partial Periodic Patterns Based on Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

    基于动态 扭曲算法的时间序列部分周期模式挖掘研究

  • Gravity he figured was a warping of space and time .

    爱因斯坦认为,引力是空间和时间的 扭曲

  • Effect of Secondary Warping on Location of Shear Center

    翘曲角钢 T 截面剪切中心坐标的影响

  • In some cases this heat treatment may result in warping .

    在某些情况下,这种热处理会导致 扭曲

  • This thesis focused on the warping soil consolidation mechanism under osmotic pressure as to blanket cracks disposal in earth dam .

    针对土坝 粘土铺盖裂缝的 处理问题,对 粘土在渗压作用下的固结机理进行了研究。

  • This effects called warping .

    此种效应称为 翘曲

  • The product can be directly made into flat thimble without warping and deformation .

    带双固定顶针的台式车床该产品直接制作扁顶针不 翘曲、不变形。

  • Lateral displacement of the warping carrier is completely controlled by the computer with automatic positioning for each section .

    托架的横向位移完全由电脑控制,并且每一条 均可自动定位。

  • Tilting warping and changes in elevation can seriously affect canals and shoreline facilities of various kinks .

    倾斜、 翘曲和高程变化可以严重地影响水渠和各种岸边设备。

  • The stress of base structure is analyzed by3-D FEM under the action of temperature warping deformation and coupling with vehicular load .

    方法结合试验路温度场监测数据,采用三维有限元法对基层结构在温度 翘曲变形及与车辆荷载耦合作用下的受力特性进行分析。

  • An image warping method is implemented which generates control point grid by uneven distance interpolation .

    构建了一种基于不等距的可变性插值算法生成控制点网格的图象 变形方法。

  • By setting up finite element model the load stress and the warping stress of the two materials pavement are calculated and compared .

    建立有限元模型,计算配置两种材料道面的荷载应力与 翘曲应力并进行比较。