war party

[wɔr ˈpɑrti][wɔ: ˈpɑ:ti]


  • On new changes of post Cold War world party politics

    试论 冷战后世界 政党政治的新变化

  • During the period of Anti-Japanese war and liberation war the policy of the Chinese communist party has developed further .

    抗日战争和解放 战争 时期的中医政策得到进一步发展。

  • When exactly did war become a party ?

    什么时候 战争变成 派对了?

  • I believe that the people war for the people and the party for the absolute leadership of the armed forces can not be changed .

    笔者认为人民 战争为人民的本质不能变;必须 坚持 对军队的绝对领导不能变。

  • The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party .

    在美国 内战之前的30年间,最能代表进步的新教教义的政党当属辉格 (Whig Party)。

  • Outside during this period the Japanese imperialist aggression . The Nanking Government took negative resistance insisted on the civil war at homed and rejected the communist party etc. In facing of national crisis the youth patriotic students developed the spectacular national salvation movement .

    这一时期外有日本帝国主义侵略的步步紧逼,内有国民政府采取消极抗日和坚持 内战极力排共等政策,青年爱国学生面对民族 危亡开展了波澜壮阔的救亡运动。

  • Britain remained neutral in China 's Civil War without supporting the Chili party or the Anfu party .

    英国对中国的 内战持中立态度,不支持包括直系在内的任何一

  • People-loving war hero with a great deal to offer his party .

    人民 爱戴 战争英雄,人们乐于奉献于他。

  • This not only provides ideological guarantee towin the victory of the Anti-Japanese War but also further enrich the party ' sideological and political education theory .

    这不仅为夺取 抗战胜利提供了思想保障,也进一步丰富了 的思想政治教育理论。

  • Corruption a serious political war faced by our party and political power will result in a destruction if we do not take efficient method to deal with It .

    目前,腐败现象是我们 建设和政权建设正面临的严峻的政治 问题,如果不能有效地遏制腐败现象,其后果将是相当严重的。

  • In the first chapter this paper introduces the rural environment before Anti-Japanese War traces the operation status of party organizations .

    论文第一章介绍了抗日 战争前边区乡村环境,并追溯了抗战前 组织的运行状况。

  • In the war years we often said that if Party members made up 30 per cent of an army company that company must be very good and have a strong fighting capacity .

    打仗的时候我们总是说,一个连队有百分之三十的 党员,这个连队一定好,战斗力强。

  • For example two parallel columns of smoke indicated the successful return of a war party .

    比如,两个平行的圆柱形的烟表明 战争 队伍胜利归来。

  • During the War of Resistance Against Japan our Party maintained that China should rely mainly on her own strength while at the same time trying to get as much foreign assistance as possible .

    在抗日 战争中,我们 主张,中国应以自力更生为主,同时尽可能争取外援。

  • A former general and war hero at the head of a party offering a two-state solution : to many Israelis Mr Sharon looked like a peace-bringer .

    作为曾经的将军和 战斗英雄,现在的 党派首领,他还提出了两国解决方案。这一切让许多以色列人觉得,他似乎就是那位和平使者。

  • This divergence then gradually upgraded into political conflicts and clashes against the backdrop of the Civil War between Kuomintang and Communist Party .

    国共 斗争的大背景下,思想上的分歧随着时局的恶化逐渐演变成彼此政治上的矛盾和冲突。

  • We will have a long civil war a new party is the group of special interests and the super rich the other side is is the middle class and the disadvantaged groups .

    我们将迎来一场旷日持久的新 内战,一 是特殊利益集团和超级富豪,另一方则是中产阶级和弱势群体。

  • Throughout the war the party confirmed its position of national dominance .

    在整个 战争过程中,该 巩固了它在全国的统治地位。

  • Just before the Civil War the Whig political party was making a last effort to remain a part of American political life .

    就在 内战之前,辉格 为了维持其在美国的政治生命做出最后的努力。

  • From World War I broke out to America join the war under the influence of the serious international situation under the promotion of the internal war party America took some replying measures in military its military operations suffered a loss also .

    自一战爆发到美国参战前的时间里,在严峻的国际形势影响下,在国内 主战 力量的推动下,美国在军事上采取了一些应对性的举措,军事活动也受到影响。

  • Influence of Anti-Japanese War on the development of Chinese party politics

    抗日 战争对中国 政党政治发展的影响

  • The research purpose is to investigate the organization and judgment of the local courts during wartime how the justice served the war and how it harmonized with the party military politics and economy .

    本文旨在研究 战争时期法院的组织和审判,以及司法如何服务于战争,如何与 党务、军事、政治、经济相协调。

  • As the war progressed the peace party gained in strength .

    战争进行中,和平的一 人士力量增强。

  • After the war when the Republican Party assumed administration of the country we were faced with the problem of determination of the very nature of our national life .


  • Unless all of you 'd rather wait for the next Huron war party to come by .

    除非你们想等另一队 休伦军队追来。

  • During the pacific war they stood for cooperation between Chinese Nationalist Party and Communist Party .

    太平洋 战争 爆发 ,主张国共合作, 联共抗日;

  • A Comparison of Thinking about the Protracted Resistance War Against Japan between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang ; Until recently they belong belonged to the same Conservative Grand National Party .

    国共两党关于抗日持久 思想之比较这两 个人以前没有什么关系,直到最近,他们才共事于保守派大国党。

  • John Leighton Stuart and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China ( 1946-1949 ) On the Practical Experience of Structuring the Harmonious Society in the Yan ′ an Period by Communist Party of China

    司徒雷登与 国共 内战(1946&1949)论党在延安时期构建和谐社会的实践经验和启示

  • As early as in the land revolution period and Anti-Japanese War to the party member comrade liu shaoqi team construction there are many aspects discusses he is in more than paper classical theory article has many involve the party member troop of thought and content .

    早在土地革命时期和 抗战 时期,刘少奇同志就对 党员队伍建设方面有诸多论述,他在多篇经典理论文章中有许多涉及党员队伍建设的思想和内容。