war economy

[wɔr ɪˈkɑnəmi][wɔ: iˈkɔnəmi]

[经] 战时经济

  • After the World War ⅱ the economy of Japan began to flourish and it spent more than 40 years to catch up with the U.S.A. .

    二战后,日本 经济起飞,花了40多年的时间追上美国;

  • Exploration and Philosophy Evaluation of American War Economy

    美国“ 战争 经济”初探及其哲学评价

  • After war economy of Japan went through a high-speed develop period within 20 years . The economic power is at the top of world and its ODA becomes more and more actively .

    战后,经历了20年的 经济快速发展,口本经济实力已居于世界前列,其政府发展援助也逐渐活跃。

  • Post Cold War economy becomes the more important factor in international relations and countries are paying greater attention and devoted to the economic development of their oWn countries and economic impacts are becoming more important in their foreign affairs .

    冷战 结束后, 经济成了国际关系中的更加重要的因素,各国都把更大力量集中于促进本国的经济发展,在对外工作中也更加注重发挥经济的作用。

  • After the Second World War Japanese economy made great development . On the basis of the surplus in trade account and current account Japan became the biggest Capital outflow country and abroad mortgage country also the second economic country lagging behind America .

    二战后,日本 经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,以巨额的贸易收支、经常收支黑字为后盾,日本先后成为世界上最大的资本输出国和海外债权大国,并成为仅次于美国的第二经济大国。

  • The interaction of natural factors and social factors such as the political corruption the continuous chaos caused by war downfall economy and backward culture made the locust most seriously .

    自然原因与政治的腐败、 战乱的频繁、 经济的衰败、文化的落后等社会因素交互作用,使民国时期蝗灾肆虐。

  • Iraqi War stimulates American economy which not only improves American demand but also promotes the development of science and technology .

    伊拉克 战争对美国 经济的刺激,不仅在于提高了总需求,更在于提供了科技发展的动力。

  • Military outsourcing has promoted the growth of PMFs and war economy providing more dynamics to future wars .

    军事外包促进了私营军事企业的膨胀,催生了 战争 经济,也增加了战争的动力。

  • After the Second World War Japanese economy gained rapid restoration and development .

    第二次世界 大战后,日本 经济获得迅速恢复和发展。

  • The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt .

    战争拖垮了 经济,使该国欠下了巨额外债。

  • After the American Civil War American economy developed quickly . At the same time social problems became more and more .

    当时正值美国南北 战争 结束,美国 经济获得飞速发展,而与此相 伴随的社会问题也越来越多。

  • They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy .

    他们不得不适应 战时 经济

  • Urban housing shortage became a serious obstacle of American post war urban economy and social development .

    城市住房短缺,成为 战后美国城市 经济和社会发展的重要障碍。

  • The US is in diplomacy contaminating the world with war and in economy neoliberalism is leading the financial crisis to suffer worlds'socially disadvantage peoples .

    在外交方面扩散 战争损害世界, 经济方面新自由主义引发全球金融危机。

  • Once again my efforts to organize an effective war economy had been ruined by Hitler 's vacillation .

    我想做有战斗力的 战时 经济的努力,又因希特勒的犹豫不决而告吹。

  • George Bush told Congress and the American people that as he spoke the nation was at war the economy was in recession and the civilised world faced unprecedented dangers and yet he insisted the United States was stronger than ever .

    乔治布什告诉国会和美国人民,在他发表演讲的时候,美国正处于 战争 状态经济处于衰退,文明世界面临着前所未有的危险。不过他认为美国比以前更加坚强。

  • On the Impact of Vietnam War on American Economy

    论越南 战争对美国 经济的影响

  • As we gather tonight our nation is at war our economy is in recession and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers .

    今天,当我们会聚一堂的时候,我们的国家正在 战争 之中,我们的 经济陷入了危机,整个文明世界面临着前所未有的危险。

  • Torn apart by war its economy virtually destroyed this country now faces a very uncertain future .

    这个国家被 战争毁了, 经济实际上已遭破坏,现在前途未卜。

  • Generally speaking in earlier Qing dynasty for political turbulence and war the economy in Kunming area was seriously destroyed . In the middle and later Kangxi period after policies adjust and revalidated the social economy was developed and recovered .

    大体而言,清代初期,由于长期的政治动荡和 战乱,昆明地区的社会 经济遭到严重破坏,呈现为凋敝荒芜的局面;康熙中后期,经过政策的调整和休养生息,社会经济逐渐得到恢复和发展。

  • Big Boss found a war economy a necessity in human nature .

    大首领认为 战争 经济是人类天性不可或缺的一部分。

  • With the power of air raid in the war strengthen under the modern high tech the importance of the civil defense is more and more obvious as it is used for the important work to hide personnel and material in war and economy construct in peacetime .

    随着现代高技术条件下战争空中打击力度的增强,人防工程作为 战时隐蔽人员和物资,平时用于 经济建设的重要工程,其重要性越来越明显。

  • On the connotation and characteristics of the war zone economy

    试论 战区 经济的内涵与特点

  • Missle war of hi-tech war and military economy

    高技术 战争中的导弹战与军事 经济

  • While Congress is angry it is not ready to start a global trade war unless the economy worsens markedly .

    美国国会虽然愤怒,但并不准备打响全球汇率 ,除非 经济形势显著恶化。

  • The war inflated the economy .

    因为 战争 经济出现了通货膨胀。

  • Though American masses do not like this war at all times the war stimulates the economy of the country greatly make the prosperity of u.s.a.develop into a new height .

    尽管美国公众从来就不喜欢这场战争,但 战争大大刺激了国家的 经济,使美国的繁荣发展到了一个新的高度。

  • These achievements not only provided certain contributions to the development of the local war economy but also brought some new changes to the backwardness therefore promoted the social and economic development in West Hubei area .

    这些建设成就,不仅支持了国统区的 抗战 经济,同时,也在一定程度上改变了鄂西地区的落后面貌,促进了鄂西地区社会经济的发展。

  • IMPACT OF WAR ON ECONOMY & Written on the occasion of the US-Iraq War started
