

v.用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式 )在,存在不受干扰

  • I dare say he did as he was bidden .

    我敢说 按照要求做了。

  • I was in a market in Tangier and bingo ! I found this .

    当时我 正在丹吉尔的一个市场里。瞧!我发现了这个。

  • She was addicted to barbiturates .

    她对巴比妥酸盐产生 依赖性。

  • I explained that I was an artist

    我解释说自己 个艺术家。

  • I was no athlete .

    我根本 不是当运动员的料。

  • It was great to begin with but now it 's difficult .

    一开始 非常好,但现在可就难了。

  • I did eventually find what I was after .

    我最终找到 我想要的东西。

  • An oil seal was replaced along with both front wheel bearings .


  • She was betrothed to his brother .

    她和他哥哥订 婚。

  • My grandfather was a butcher

    我祖父 个屠夫。

  • He was already rich


  • In 1960 this was a bold move

    在1960年,这 一个大胆的举动。

  • I knew him when he was a little boy


  • Becoming a father signified that he was now an adult

    当了父亲意味着他 是个成年人了。

  • I was waiting for a bus .


  • He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings .

    他的身份只是通过制服和个人财物确定 下来。

  • I was surrounded by people begging for food


  • We met and I thought he was awful

    我们见了面,我觉得他 讨人厌。

  • After about three months I was no longer addicted to nicotine .

    大约3个月后,我 不再对尼古丁上瘾了。

  • That night was Richard 's apotheosis .


  • Graham was already at the door

    格雷厄姆 已经在门口了。

  • I was astounded by its beauty

    它的美丽震撼 我。

  • I think your mother was baptized a Catholic .

    我想你母亲 受洗成了天主教徒。

  • I could not believe my eyes . She was far more beautiful than I had imagined .


  • I knew right away she was dead


  • He said all that remained was to agree to a time and venue

    他说剩下的 只是商定一个时间和集会地点。

  • It was the first time Jane and I had been apart for more than a few days


  • I was born and bred in the highlands

    我在高地地区 出生和长大。

  • Right off I want to confess that I was wrong .


  • He was already late for his appointment

    他约会 已经晚了。