


  • The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) The full length of myogenin ( MyoG ) gene of Gansu Wapiti was firstly cloned and sequenced .

    主要研究结果如下:(1)首次成功地克隆了甘肃 马鹿肌细胞生成素(MyoG)基因序列。

  • The epidemiological investigation of deer brucellosis in part of province and area demonstrated that brucellosis was universal in raising Sika deer and Wapiti in China the positive ratio in female deer was higher than male deer ;

    对我国部分省区鹿布氏杆菌病进行流行病学调查表明,我国 鹿场饲养的梅花鹿、 马鹿群中普遍存在鹿布氏杆菌病,母鹿阳性率明显高于公鹿,梅花鹿阳性率 分别10.06%4.77%

  • Study on Wapiti ( Cervus Elaphus ) Sperm Capacitation in Vitro and Its Ultrastructural Variation


  • New Technology of Cultivate Young Deer of Tianshan Wapiti

    天山 马鹿 清原 幼鹿培育新技术

  • Studies on the Gonadotropic Effect of Wapiti Velvet Antler


  • Wapiti bed-site and forage habitat were mainly distributed in the distance range from 600 m to 1 km to open road and there was a buffer zone around resident area with radius 2.74 km where no wapiti activity point was observed .

    关于道路和居民点的影响: 马鹿卧迹和取食点主要分布在距离公路600m到1km范围内,并表现出正选择;居民点附近则形成一个没有马鹿活动的半径为2.74km的缓冲区。

  • Research on Laws of the blood biochemical Parameters about Nutrients in the Pregnancy period of Wapiti


  • The NJ and MP phylogenetic trees showed that Talim wapiti had further genetic distance with another subspecies which should be clustered in different wapiti types ;

    构建NJ和MP分子系统发育树发现,塔里木 马鹿与其他马鹿遗传距离较远,分属于不同的类群;

  • Cloning sequence and structure analysis on myostatin gene of Manchurian wapiti

    东北 马鹿肌肉生长抑制素基因序列的克隆、 编码 氨基酸序列及结构 特征分析

  • These results showed that : 1 . It can succeed in making wapiti sperm capacitation in vitro by use of the method sperm-up .

    采用上浮法可使 马鹿的精子体外获能。

  • Relationship Between Blood Protein Polymorphism and Antler Production in Gansu Wapiti

    甘肃 马鹿血液蛋白多态性及其与产茸量关系的研究

  • Pathogenic Diagnosis and Pathological Observation of Enterotoxaemia in Tian Mountain 's Wapiti

    天山 马鹿肠毒血症的病原学诊断及病理学观察

  • The Impact of Timber Harvest on Wapiti Winter Habitat Selection

    森林采伐对 马鹿冬季生境选择的影响

  • Based on animal taxonomy Gansu Wapiti goat and cattle belong to ruminant .

    在动物分类学上,甘肃 马鹿、山羊与牛都属于反刍动物, 实验 所得 结果与甘肃 马鹿在动物分类学上的 地位 一致

  • Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on Nutrient Digestion metabolism and Production performance in Adult Female Wapiti

    日粮蛋白质水平对成年母 马鹿营养物质消化代谢及生产性能的影响

  • Prepared and Separated Anti-fatigue Peptides from Wapiti Velvet Antler Blood Protein

    酶解 天山 马鹿血分离制备抗疲劳肽的研究

  • The body weight height and diagonal length of 2 years old hybrid female Wapiti were 70.56 % 98.62 % and 93.53 % of adult female Gansu Wapiti compared with the same age Gansu Wapiti they were increased by 2.43 6.28 and 3.58 percentages respectively .

    2岁杂种母 马鹿的体质量、体高和体斜长分别达到甘肃成年母马鹿体质量、体高和体斜长的70.56%、98.62%、93.53%,同比甘肃母马鹿增长了2.43、6.28、3.58个百分点。

  • The results of feeding trials showed that the optimum protein level in lactating wapiti diet was 14.61 % or 20.12 % in concentrate .

    结果表明,哺乳期 马鹿仔鹿适宜精饲料蛋白质水平为2012%,适宜的日粮蛋白质水平为 1461%

  • Experimental Study on Embryo Transfer Technology of Tianshan Wapiti

    天山 马鹿胚胎移植技术的研究

  • Progesterone and GABA had no significant effects on wapiti sperm capacitation ( P0.05 ) .

    P4与GABA对 马鹿精子获能均无显著作用(P0.05);

  • Wapiti is a kind of protected animal of the national grade ⅱ and is the important economic deer species at the same time . The species play an important ecological role in the temperate forest ecosystems of China .


  • By use of the modified method of triple-stain technique could evaluate the level of wapiti acrosome reaction effectively .

    使用改进的三色染色法可以有效地评价 马鹿精子获能后的顶体反应水平。

  • Determination and Analysis of Inorganic Element Contents of Different Segments from Wapiti and Sika Deer Velvet Antler


  • There are abundant deer resource in china for example : Tianshan red deer 、 Tarim red deer 、 Northeast Wapiti etc.

    我国是鹿类资源较丰富的国家,天山马鹿、塔里木马鹿、东北 马鹿等都是 优良 鹿种。

  • Impacts of Poaching on Wapiti population in Eastern Wanda Mountain Heilongjiang

    黑龙江完达山东部林区偷猎对 野生 马鹿种群的影响

  • Study on Genetic Mark of Antler Production in Qingyuan Strain of Tianshan Wapiti

    天山 马鹿清原品系产茸量遗传标记的研究

  • Characters of hybrid f_1 between sika deer and Wapiti

    东北 马鹿与东北梅花鹿杂交F1遗传性状的 研究

  • Research on the Laws of Nutrition Serum Concentrations of IGF-1 and Antler Growth in Sika Deer and Chinese Wapiti

    梅花鹿、 马鹿营养、血清IGF-1浓度及鹿茸生长规律研究

  • The Study of Stem Cell Culture in Xinjiang Wapiti Antlers

    新疆 马鹿生茸类干细胞的研究

  • Cultivated in vitro with 5 % carbon dioxide and saturated humidity wapiti sperm had a greatly significant higher acrosome reaction rate under 38.5 ℃ than under 37 ℃ ( P < 0.01 ) .

    马鹿精子于5%CO2、饱和湿度下 能培养,38.5℃时的顶体反应率极显著高于37℃时的顶体反应率(P<0.01)。