

adv.& conj.为什么为此,因此


  • We ran out of kerosene wherefore we used coal .

    煤油用完了, 因此我们用煤。

  • Wherefore have we fasted say they and thou seest not ?

    他们说,我们禁食,你 为何不看见呢。

  • We are victorious wherefore let us rejoice .

    我们胜利了, 因此让我们尽情欢乐。

  • Wherefore they say is Saul also among the prophets ?


  • Wherefore I must ever lament .


  • Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you which is your glory .


  • Dost thou know child wherefore thy mother wears this letter ?

    孩子,你知道你妈妈 为什么 戴这个字母吗?

  • Wherefore will ye plead with me ? ye all have transgressed against me saith the LORD .

    耶和华说、你们 为何与我争辩呢.你们都违背了我。

  • And wherefore say not I that I am old ?

    我又 为什么说我不年轻?

  • And if thou say in thine heart Wherefore come these things upon me ?

    你若心里说,这一切事 为何临到我呢。

  • I know not wherefore it befell .

    我不知道 为什么变成这个样子。

  • Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the LORD to do evil in his sight ?


  • Wherefore I have also bared my thighs against thy face and thy shame hath appeared .


  • And wherefore should it not bring you peace ?


  • And they said unto him Wherefore saith my lord these words ?

    他们回答说,我主 为什么说这样的话呢。

  • Wherefore on every occasion a man should say : this comes from God ;


  • Wherefore Job I pray thee hear my speeches and hearken to all my words .


  • Then said he Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee ?

    他就说,你知道我 为何来见你吗。

  • Sophia ! Wherefore art thou my sweet Sophia ?

    索菲亚!汝 为何而来我亲爱的索菲亚?

  • Wherefore he said unto him : Behold thou art a robber and I will slay thee .


  • Wherefore ? because I love you not ?


  • But now he is dead wherefore should I fast ? can I bring him back again ?

    孩子死了,我 何必禁食,我岂能使他返回呢。

  • Wherefore when I came was there no man ?

    我来的时候, 为何无人 等候呢?

  • Wherefore say my people We are lords ; we will come no more unto thee ?

    我的百姓 为何说,我们 脱离 约束,再不归向你了。

  • And he said : Dost thou know wherefore I am come to thee ?

    他于是说:「你知道我 为什麽到你这里来?

  • Yet ye have forsaken me and served other gods : wherefore I will deliver you no more .

    你们竟离弃我,事奉别神。 所以我不再救你们了。

  • And the angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel ?

    7天使对我说:你为甚么 希奇呢?

  • That thy trust may be in the Lord wherefore I have also shewn it to thee this day .

    为使你的信赖 全托于上主,我今日特将道路指示给你。