


  • Disraeli as the leader of Conservative party mixed tradition with reality gradually which formed the whippy ' New Toryism ' .

    保守党领袖迪斯累里逐渐改变 托利党的僵化与守旧,将传统融入现实,形成了 富有 弹性的新托利主义。

  • The claim by the bishop of London in his funeral address that the former scientist was part of the team that invented Mr Whippy ice-cream is no exception .

    而伦敦主教在其葬礼悼词中关于 撒切尔夫人是发明 冰淇淋的团队成员的说法,也毫不例外引起了 争议撒切尔 夫人从政前从事科学研究的工作。