
[hwə:, wə:][hwɜ:, wɜ:]




  • By ten o'clock some twenty men had been carried away from the battery ; two cannons had been disabled and more and more frequently shells fell on the battery and cannon balls came with a hiss and whir flying out of the distance .

    快到十点种的时候,有二十来人被抬出炮垒;两门炮被击毁,炮弹越来越密集 落地炮垒上,远方飞来的炮弹发出 嗡嗡 呼啸

  • Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office .

    打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机 呼呼 转动

  • Outside the car the pale wash of halogen headlights skimmed over the crushed gravel parkway the rugged whir of the tires intoning a hypnotic rhythm .

    微弱的车前灯掠向公园内的碎砾 石路上,车轮随着崎岖的 路面上下 颠簸 ,节奏舒缓的叫人昏昏欲睡。

  • A trip to a big city can leave us exhilarated but also drained by the energetic whir of life there .

    去大城市令人兴奋,却也被充满活力的 节奏生活 筋疲力尽

  • Whether described as a whir hum or buzz and whether psychological natural or supernatural no one has yet been able to locate the sound 's origin .

    不管人们形容 这种 声响 还是 呼呼 、嗡嗡声还是咝咝声,也不管它究竟是心理作用、自然 产物还是超自然 产物,至今还没人能找到它的来源。

  • Many tears ago I do not like black people and always feel that they and whir and very rude very aggressive like the devil of hell .

    小时候是不喜欢黑人的,总觉得他们黑 呼呼的,很粗鲁,很凶悍,像地狱的恶魔。

  • The whir of busy shoppers .

    忙于购物的人的 闹哄 忙乱

  • Conclusion AAP appeared to markedly reduce the expression of MMP-13 in AS plaques whir underlies its role in plaque resolution .

    结论木耳多糖降低斑块中 MMP-13的表达,进一步说明其消退斑块的作用;

  • I do not know how many days when I whir big sleep the workers just your back you did not three-step and two steps back towards the bedroom nor the business to the home and continue to Busy ;

    不知在多少日子里,正当我“ 呼呼”大睡时,劳累了一天的您才刚刚回来,您并没有三步并两步朝卧室走去,也没有把公事带到家里来,继续忙碌;

  • There was a sudden whir as the airplane started its engines .

    飞机的发动机起动时, 立即 发出 呼呼的声响。

  • In the days that followed his mind began to whir .

    随后的几天,他的头脑开始 飞快 旋转

  • The house and garden were ablaze with lights and the whir of electric fans was everywhere .

    满屋子和满 园子的电灯都开亮了,电风扇 到处在