But it has always been obvious that when Mourinho left the club he would leave with a bang and not a whimper .
但是现在已经明朗的是伴随穆里尼奥离开俱乐部的将是一 段 剧烈的震荡而不是一 片 哭泣 声。
He went to bed without a whimper .
他没有任何 哀怨 地去睡觉了。
' he could carry me off tomorrow and I wouldn 't raise a whimper ! 'she said .
“也许他明天就会把我 劫走,我是不会 呻吟一 声的!”她说。
Sobs were heard to proceed from that room . Then he gave a silly little squeal followed by a whimper .
从那房间里传出呜咽 声。接着就发出一声尖叫,然后是一阵的 呜咽。
Some of us whimper that life 's all wrong .
我们中的一些人 就 哀诉生活 多难。
NASA 's grand plan to return to the moon is about to vanish with hardly a whimper with the release Monday of President Obama 's budget request .
随着周一奥巴马总统预算申请的发表,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)重返月球的宏伟计划即将几乎没有 哭泣 声 地消失。
He made another pathetic whimpering sound .
他又发出一声凄惨的 呜咽。
I was listening for a cry or a whimper from upstairs .
我留神听着楼上传来的哭声或 呜咽 声。
I said she couldn 't have an ice cream and she started to whimper .
我说她不能吃冰淇淋,她就开始 抽抽搭搭 地 哭 起来。
She whimpered something inaudible .
她 呜咽 着 说了些什么,听不清。
You will no doubt begin to moan groan and whimper .
你肯会开始不住的呻吟和 啜泣。
She gave a little whimper of protest .
她 呜咽 着以示抗议。
Not with a bang but a whimper .
并非一声巨响,而是一阵 呜咽。
The festival started with a whimper rather than a bang .
庆祝活动 出乎意料 地 悄然开始。
As he struggled for breath the blood roaring in his ears his shouts of terror began to subside turning first into a whimper then into a long plaintive wail .
他努力喘息,血一 下子都 涌到了耳根,他恐惧的喊叫声也开始变 弱,先是 一阵 呜咽,随后就变成了悠长的悲鸣。
Sunday night goes out with a whimper rather than a bang . Still it 's supposed to be a day of rest .
星期天的夜晚 平平 淡淡 地 过去了,但大家还是认为它够得上一个休息日。
The old man looked at her in terror and began to whimper .
老头儿恐惧地瞧着她,开始 呜咽 起来。
I am geek hear me whimper !
我是极客,听我 哀诉!
A small whimper sounded in the back of Legolas'throat but there was no other sound .
一 声细碎的呻吟被 莱格拉斯压抑在喉间,转瞬便又没了声息。
Caught forever in their shallow thoughts they whimper like small children afraid of what they cannot understand .
永远被自己狭隘的思想所 束缚,他们像小孩那样 呜咽 着,对他们无法理解的东西 充满了 无限的恐惧。
She lay at the bottom of the stairs whimpering in pain
她躺在楼梯底部,痛 得 呜咽 着。
Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over .
对于我不能控制的事情, 求你使我不要 报怨,发牢骚。
He bowed out of world politics not with a bang but a whimper
他 黯然退出了世界政坛 。
Jessica began to whimper softly and Susan took her from Dad 's arms .
杰西卡突然哭了 起来,苏珊把她从爸爸的怀里抱 起来。
' Let me go ' she whimpered . ' You 're hurting me . '
“放开我,”她 哀诉 道,“你弄痛我了。”
The little boy was not pleased by the change and began to whimper ;
弟弟对这个变化感到不开心,开始 哭 起来。
美[ˈhwɪmpɚ, ˈwɪm-]英[ˈwɪmpə(r)]