



  • Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise


  • He 's based in Banja Luka which is the largest city in northern Bosnia


  • My father has a collection of magazines to which I return every now and then

    我爸爸收藏了很多杂志 我有时会翻看一下。

  • This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact .

    这是一 没有事实依据的常见谬误。

  • Since we started in September we have raised fifty thousand pounds which is pretty good going


  • To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer

    对于一个迷失了方向的社会 他能做的有很多。

  • I 'm no longer allowed to smoke in any room which he currently occupies .

    我不再被允许在他 所在的任何一间屋子里吸烟。

  • I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before .

    我发现自己迷上了做家务,之前我从没有 这种感觉。

  • I verified the source from which I had that information

    我核实 我所获消息的来源。

  • I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber .

    我走进 他称之为洞房的房间。

  • They ran out of drink . Which actually didn 't bother me because I wasn 't drinking

    他们把酒喝完了。 实际上 对我来说无所谓,因为我不喝酒。

  • Colic describes a whole variety of conditions in which a horse suffers abdominal pain

    绞痛包括 引起马匹腹部疼痛的各种病症。

  • I rewrote his rough draft which was published under my name

    我把他的草稿重新改写, 以我的名字发表了。

  • ' You go down that passageway over there . ' — ' Which one ? '

    “你沿着那条过道走过去。”——“ 条过道?”

  • It was this issue which led to the deposition of the king .

    正是这件事 导致了国王被废黜。

  • Which vitamin supplements are good value ?


  • It 's essential to know which is which as treatments will be quite different .

    由于治疗的方法将会全然不同,因此弄清楚 哪个是哪个很重要。

  • It was a place to which genteel families came in search of health and quiet .

    这是上流社会家庭寻求健康和静谧 场所。

  • I can 't remember which teachers I had

    我记不清 哪些老师教过我。

  • Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint

    士兵向 辆拒绝在军事检查站停车检查的汽车开了火。

  • This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years .

    又恢复了旧时的体制 王室就是在这种制度下接受了近300年的俸禄。

  • Which are the ones you really like ?


  • I wanted to know which school it was you went to

    我想知道你上的是 所学校。

  • The work fills ( in ) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature .

    这部著作填补 我国考古学文献中的一个空白。

  • They all look so alike to me that I 'm never sure which is which

    对我来说他们看起来全都非常相似,我永远搞不清 哪个是哪个。

  • Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong abstract theories .

    物理学是自然科学中发展 了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。

  • Visited Park West . Viewed a flat no. 76 . Which I like .

    去了中央公园西路,看了一套公寓,76号 我很喜欢。

  • Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks .

    科学家们一直想知道大脑的 哪些部分是用来处理音乐的。

  • I had papers relating to the children which my wife and I had to sign .

    我有一些关于孩子 文件需要我和妻子签字。