


  • The Research on Our Country 's Athletic Administrative Management System Whirligig

    苏联科研 体制 变迁我国体育行政管理体制的 变迁

  • During its twenty-year-development China music video as a cultural phenomenon is changing silently with the whirligig of China society .

    作为一种文化现象,中国音乐电视在中国大陆近二十年的发展历程中,随着中国社会的不断 变迁,也在悄然的发生着变化。

  • Its working principal is different from the plate cam the framework of cylindrical cam which has the speciality of compact framework 、 small volumes good rigidity and transferring bigger torsion transforms whirligig into the follower 's complicated movement by its curve figure or slot .

    它与平面凸轮在运动原理上是不一样的,圆柱凸轮机构通过曲线轮廓或凹槽将 旋转 运动转化从动件的复杂运动,具有结构紧凑、体积小、刚性好、能传递较大转矩的特性。

  • Get off the whirligig of management fads .

    把管理狂热的 奇怪 念头 一边

  • However the traditional teacher metaphor has been depicted the contemporary ideal image of teachers insufficiently with the whirligig of time and society and the improvement of teachers ' professional requirement .

    然而随着时代的发展、社会的 变迁以及教师专业化要求的提高,传统的教师隐喻已不足以描绘当代理想的教师形象。

  • Our feelings of happiness and sorrow are soon lost in the whirligig of time .

    我们感情上的 悲欢随着时间的 流逝很快消失。

  • The ancient doctor-patient relationship changes following the whirligig of time and society .

    古代医患关系因时代与社会的 变迁 有所改变。

  • According to Carl G Jung both are the incarnations of Anima with kindness and evil representing the whirligig of male aesthetic ideas over female images .

    按照荣格的原型理论,神女与 狐妖都是阿尼玛原型的代表,带有善恶 两重性,是古人对于女性人物“ ”的 双重 要求

  • The whirligig of dozens and the pinnacle of seven .

    十二 循环和七 顶点

  • Until finally to complete the picture the shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah unleashes the whirligig of loves between the same sex .

    最后,所多玛和蛾 摩拉的阴影潜入,释放开了同性之爱旋动的 陀螺至此全图得以完整。

  • The children and whirligig in a village 's amusement park .

    孩子和乡村 游乐场里的 旋转 木马

  • The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis . The urban design history and city visage whirligig of Beijing during this period are concluded and summarized at the same time some opinions of influence of history to today 's urban design are brought forward .

    第六章是本文的结论,对这个时期北京城市设计的历史以及北京城市面貌的 变迁进行归纳总结,同时对今天北京城市设计的影响提出自己的一些见解。

  • During the movement of the regulation annulus it turns whirligig of the regulations arm into whirligig of the spindle and change the whirling direction .

    调整环在运动过程中把 压力臂上 旋转 运动转化为 转轴的旋转运动,改变了旋转 运动的方向。

  • The whirligig of life time w_416 The eyes themselves were of that baffling protean gray which is never twice the same .

    人世时代w_436的 变迁 眸子是变幻莫测的灰色,时时在变化。