wave mode

[wev mod][weiv məud]


  • In this work the propagation characteristic of electromagnetic wave in a round tunnel is simulated by solving numerically the wave mode equations . It is concluded as following .

    研究了圆形隧道中电磁波的固有传播和导行传播的传播特性,采用数值方法求解了 方程。

  • In the defective pipe experiment the detection capability of each guided wave mode is analyzed and the ultimate purpose of precise positioning of pipe damage is also realized .

    通过对缺陷管道的检测,分析各种 模态的导 对管道损伤的检测能力,并实现管道损伤精确定位的最终目的。

  • XMAC works with monopole full wave mode in cased hole .

    XMAC在套管井中采用单极全 测量 模式

  • Experimental Study of Longitudinal to Rayleigh Wave Mode Conversion at a Surface Pit

    界面凹坑上纵波-瑞利 转换的实验研究

  • Through the process test of AC square wave technology verifies the reliability stability and applicability of the design of the AC square wave power supply for micro-arc oxidation and the feasibility of the AC square wave mode applied to the micro arc oxidation technology .

    经过交流方波工艺试验验证了所设计交流方波微弧氧化电源的可靠性、稳定性和适用性,以及交流方 模式应用于微弧氧化技术的可行性。

  • However these methods can not clearly explain the wave mode components of the reflection fields .

    这些方法都不能清晰的解释 材料反射场 中波的成分。

  • The paper advanced axial power flow distribution to choose the optimal guided wave mode and its frequency-thickness products for non-destructive testing ( NDT ) of pipes and hybrid boundary element method is used to pipes to verify the validity of the results .

    用轴向功率流分布来选择检测自由管状结构的最佳导 模式及其最佳频厚积,并将混合边界元法应用于管状结构,对其结果的有效性进行了验证。

  • The dispersion equation of the traveling wave mode and backward wave mode are put forward for the engineering application . The coupling coefficient of the dispersion equation is simplified whose error is about 1 % .

    提出了适合工程实用的 行波 模式和返波模式的色散方程,并对方程中的耦合系数进行了简化,误差在1%左右。

  • Phase rematch on high-power millimeter wave mode converter

    高功率毫米 模式变换中的相位重匹配

  • We have studied the effective refraction index of the guided wave mode in periodic layered ferrite-dielectric / metal film composites .

    运用等效传输线法研究了周期性层状铁氧体-电介质/金属复合材料导 模式的有效折射率。

  • Finally the short period oscillations of 1.2 minutes at three frequencies are calculated by the slow wave mode . The result indicates that the oscillation period increases with the frequency which is consistent with the observational result .

    最后,用慢 模式计算了三个频率上的1.2min的准周期振荡,结果表明振荡周期随频率的增加而增大,与观测结果相符。

  • In this paper the method of multiple-scales is used to investigate the weak nonlinear self-modulation of the gravity-surface tension standing wave mode in a finite deep fluid which is filled in a rectangular resonator .

    本文用多重尺度微扰方法研究了外加驱动下,计及表面张力时矩形谐振器中有限深流体重力-表面张力 驻波 的弱非线性调制。

  • Through drawing three degrees of displacement curve of guided wave mode filtering out smaller extreme point based on statistical regularities the algorithm gets the exciting position of the feature points of each guided wave mode .

    通过绘制导 模态的三自由度位移变化曲线,基于统计规律滤除了较小的极值点,得到了各个导波模态的激励位置特征点。

  • This paper presented a neural network based technique to obtain fundamental waveform from a single phase half bridge inverter by square wave mode .

    以方 模式 运行的单相半桥逆变器为研究对象,提出了一种利用神经网络提取逆变器方波输出电压基波成份的新方法。

  • Furthermore the influence of the interface curvature and wave mode conversion on the inspection filed was still analyzed by the author .

    作者还进一步分析了界面曲率和 转换对超声检测的影响,理论分析符合超声检测的一般规律。

  • Temperature ? pH wave mode of current and voltage ? amplitude and control mode .

    阳极氧化工艺参数包括电解质溶液组成、浓度、温度和pH值, 电流、电压 类型、幅值及其控制类型。

  • The single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder subjected to a vertical oscillation was studied by employing two-time-scale perturbation expansions .

    本文利用奇异摄动理论的两时间变量展开法,研究了垂直强迫圆柱形容器中的单一水表面 驻波 模式

  • Experimental Investigation of P SV Wave Mode Conversion at a Free Surface Pit with Electromagnetic Acoustic Technique

    应用电磁超声技术实验分析自由表平面凹坑上 P-SV 的转换

  • Wave Mode Conversion on Welding Ultrasonic Testing for Middle or Thick Plate

    中厚板焊缝超声波探伤中的 转换辨析

  • In the system operation frequency is decided by the intersection point of electronic beam and dispersion curve of column grating . The working mode can be called surface wave mode .

    系统工作在 表面波 模式下,工作频率由圆柱光栅和电子注线的交点决定。

  • In the integral pipe experiment propagation characteristics of each guided wave mode are studied .

    通过完整管道实验和 信号处理,研究各种 模态的导 在管道中的传播特性。

  • Secondly we make statistical study solar wind turbulence at ion scale . The results prove that the turbulence is strongly anisotropic in wave vector space within universal solar wind condition . The Alfven-whistler wave mode is dominant in the solar wind turbulence .

    然后,我们研究了太阳风湍流在离子尺度的特征,统计结果表明湍流在波矢空间是强各向异性的,Alfven-whistler 在太阳风湍流中占主导作用。

  • A New Method of Wave Mode Conversion for Tiny Pits Evaluation on Surfaces

    一种单面评估表面细小凹坑的 转换新方法

  • Analysis of Disk - Loaded Coaxial Resonator with Slow Wave Mode

    盘荷同轴型谐振腔慢 模式分析

  • The related solution is deduced from the mode of two dimensional circular gravity and surface tension diverging water wave . Following this form of solution physical properties of the wave mode are also discussed .

    本文以二维圆形重力表面张力水面发散波为模式导出了相应的解,并根据解的形式讨论了这种 的物理性质。

  • Electromagnetic wave mode in one dimension periodic lossy media and its numerical analysis

    一维周期耗散媒质中的电磁 及其数值分析

  • The secular equations for symmetric and skew symmetric wave mode propagation were derived .

    导出了对称和斜对称 模式传播的特征方程。

  • Wave Mode and Frequency Selection of Ultrasonic Guided Waves Pipe Inspection Technology

    超声导波管道检测中导 模态及频率的选择

  • PRO velocity analysis and imaging are based on ellipse expansion of signal and parametric evolving among which the latter considers the change of propagation velocity by wave mode conversion and lateral non-uniform of medium .

    PRO速度分析和成像均以信号的椭圆展开和参数展开为基础,其中参数展开方法考虑 转换、介质的横向不均匀造成传播速度的变化。

  • On this basis used the structure frequency dispersion characteristics identify the relevant parameters extract a single wave mode method reduces the multi-mode and dispersion characteristic of the adverse effects of positioning achieved better positioning of the source of the leakage .

    在此基础上,利用结构频散特性确定相关参数、提取单一 模态的方法,减小了多模态和频散特性对定位的不利影响,从而较好地实现了泄漏源的定位。