
[ˈwevˌlɛŋkθ, -ˌlɛŋθ][ˈweɪvleŋθ]


  • The orbit distance of CD and DVD and the light wavelength are measured in this experiment .

    利用CD和DVD光盘片进行了实验,用 光栅 衍射法测定了光盘轨迹间距和光波的 波长

  • Based on the discussion of temperature measurement accuracy and temperature resolution wavelength bandwidth of the system is optimized .

    本文在着重讨论系统的测温不确定度及温度分辨力的基础上,对其工作 波长的带宽进行了优化设计。

  • The infrared sensor detects the two infrared lights having different wavelengths with the wavelength in the range of0.76-1.5 microns ;

    红外传感器同时检测 波长在0.76~1.5微米范围内的两个不同波长的红外光;

  • Radio One has broadcast on this wavelength for years .

    广播1台已经用这个 波长广播多年了。

  • The E-vector makes one complete rotation as the wave advances through one wavelength .

    当波前进了一个 波长之后,E矢量转了一整周。

  • Like light waves acoustic ( sound ) waves are characterized by a frequency wavelength and propagation speed .

    声波就和光波一样,是以频率、 波长和传播速度为其特徵。

  • A new method for fiber Bragg grating wavelength tuning is reported .

    为了便于对光纤光栅的布喇格 波长进行调谐,设计了一种光纤光栅气压调谐方法。

  • This paper described the system model of WDM passive optical network with wavelength shared .

    介绍了 波长共享的波分复用无源光网络系统模型。

  • This FPI is suitable for wavelength measurement and laser spectrum observation especially for short submillimeter wave range .

    适宜用作亚毫米 波波长的测量和频谱特性的研究。

  • Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red .

    蓝光的 波长比红光的短。

  • Infrared is a wavelength range of electromagnetic waves between the red and microwave .

    红外线是一种 波长介于红光和微波之间的电磁波。

  • In addition to amplitude and wavelength a periodic wave is characterized by its frequency .

    除了振幅和 波长,周期波有它自己的频率。

  • New method of wavelength accuracy calibration in Optical Spectrum Analyzer is introduced its principle and implementation are described .

    本文介绍了光谱分析仪 波长准确度校准的一种新方法,详细阐述了其原理及具体实现。

  • The measurement of terahertz wavelength is more and more urgent and important in the science re-search and practical application .

    太赫兹 波波 的测量在其科研和实际应用中显得日益迫切和重要。

  • I guess we are in the same wavelength .

    BecauseIguessweareinthesame wavelength.相信她就会很清楚你对她有意思了。

  • The results show that the angle of incidence has effect on band-gap width and central wavelength of band gap .

    理论计算和实验表明,入射角对光子带隙的宽度和带隙中心 波长均有影响。

  • The energy of the photon gives its color or wavelength .

    光子的能量决定了光子的颜色,也就决定了它的 波长

  • All we can measure is the wavelength .

    我们能测量的是 波长

  • What is the relationship between the wavelength and the frequency for each resonant mode ?


  • We describe modeling the solid-state dye laser with the microcavity size comparable to light wavelength .

    模拟了腔尺寸接近光 波长的固体染料微激光器。

  • It 's great to work with people who are on the same wavelength .


  • She found the wavelength of their broadcasts and left the radio tuned to their station .

    她找到了他们的广播 波段,把收音机调到那个位置收听他们电台的节目。

  • An all optical wavelength converter ( AOWC ) is the key device for all optical net .

    全光 波长转换器(AOWC)是目前全光网研究中的一个热点问题。

  • The relationship between the wavelength of maximum absorption and structure was also explained .

    解释了 光谱中的最大吸收 波长与结构的关系。

  • The realization of a kind of all-optical wavelength router that is controlled by electrom was described in this paper .

    文章描述了一种电控全光 波长路由器的实现。

  • Routing and wavelength assignment problem is a key problem for WDM optical networks .

    路由与 波长分配问题是波分复用光网中的一个关键问题。

  • On the subject of marriage Judith and I are on the same wavelength .

    在婚姻问题上,我和 朱迪思意见相同。

  • Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation

    阳光由几种不同 波长的射线组成。

  • Various wavelength band sensors and illuminator modules are available .

    多种 波长带感应器和照明器模块都是可正常工作的。