


  • I feared she 'd think me very weak-kneed for giving in to him .

    我怕她会因我对他让步而认为我太 懦弱

  • He always was weak-kneed when he had to make a decision which might make him unpopular .

    当不得不做出可能会得罪人的决定时,他总是 优柔寡断

  • Such cases were inevitable results of Chinese taking vengeance against power intrusion inevitable results of conflicts between invasive Christian culture and defensive Confucian culture and also inevitable results of weak-kneed diplomacy conducted by the incompetent Qing Empire .

    它既是强权侵略与反抗自卫的产物,也是侵略性的基督教文化与处于守势的儒家文化冲突的产物, 还是弱势的清王朝 屈辱外交的产物。

  • The Prime Minister sank weak-kneed into the nearest chair .

    首相的 膝盖 了下去, 在了最近的椅子上。

  • He would need all his authority to keep the weak-kneed volunteers from bolting .

    他需要 动用所有的职权防止 那些 胆小的志愿 逃跑。